Watch where your going

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{General P.O.V audience P.O.V in a way}


The trip to school wasn't as bad as you imagined it would be,Sammy hardly complained about the music Dean blasted.Yet again Dean never changed the music no matter how much Sammy complained because Dean has this rule that "Driver picks the music , shit gun shuts his cake hole".


The school bell rang through the school making it all the way outside. "Start walking Sammy I'll catch up to you let me just tie my shoe" Dean said going down on one knee to tie his shoe. "Ok see you in a bit Dean" Sam said walking forward slowly hoping that his big brother would hurry up because he didn't know anyone yet and he didn't want to walk the crowded hallways alone. As he turned to see if Dean was finished tying his shoe, he saw a boy walking looking down at his phone. He was getting close to Dean and fast as his brother got up dusting off his jeans, the boy bumped straight into Dean. "oh this is not going to turn out good" Sam whispered to himself knowing how short tempered his brother was.

{Dean P.O.V in 3rd person}

"Hey watch where your going!" Dean shouted as someone crashed right into him. He shifted his body to look at whoever bumped into him And what he saw wasn't what he expected not one bit. "Oh I'm sorry so very sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and I'm sorry I'm new here I didn't see you there I don't know where people stand I'm so sorry please don't hit me" The boy rambled on covering his face at the end afraid for a beating. "it's ok it's alright you know just forget it, you can stop covering your face I'm not going to hit you" Dean said crossing his arms over his chest. "ok I'm so sorry I was scared of getting hit it's because of my glasses that when people hit me it hurts more" The boy put down his hands to reveal his face. Dean looked at the boy just to see if he has ever seen the boy around school. "Hi I'm Castiel Novak sorry for bumping into you" The boy said sticking out his hand for Dean to shake it. "Dean" Dean shook Castiel's hand. "Again I'm so very sorry for bumping into you and I'm also sorry for leaving because I have to get to class" Castiel said moving aside to walk around Dean to get to class. "Ok blue I mean cool cool" Dean said quickly correcting himself hoping the boy with the bright blue eyes didn't notice his mistake.

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