Ch. 3

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Per Jesse's request, Layla had finally left the hospital and returned to their home.

She could still remember the time when Jesse fought with their parents for custody over Layla. They argued that he was too young and irresponsible, but what did they know?

Neither of them were ever home, claiming to be too busy with work, or whatever the hell they did. After months of fighting, their parents finally agreed.

She remembered how happy Jesse was, and while she was just as ecstatic, the feelings of rejection and abandonment were still present.

Then she recalled the time when Jesse had told her she'd be moving in with him and even surprised her with a brand new house. He picked her up from school and walked her through the new place. She absolutely adored it. Jesse even went to the extent of painting her room lavender, Layla's favorite color. She had no idea how he managed to afford such pleasantries, but nonetheless was so grateful. Layla could describe what every day was like at her parent's house in one word - lonely.

Wake up.

No one home.

Leave for school.

No one Home.

Come back from school.

No one home.

Go to sleep.

No one home.

She relied on her outings with Jesse to feel sane. So, when she discovered that she'd be moving in with her brother, it was great news.

Snapping out of her reminiscence, she pushed the door open, welcoming the familiar scent of 'home.'

Although she didn't want to leave Jesse at the hospital, he was right to say that she looked like a mess. Blue and purple bags rested under her eyes and a her hair fell in a matted pile.


After some much needed self-maintenance and TLC, Layla decided to spruce up the house. Just a few hours ago, Jesse called, saying that they were discharging him in a few days, and she knew he'd prefer to come home to a clean house.

Normally, Jesse and her would keep the house in tip-top shape. But now, it looked like a pig-sty. Clothes were scattered about, beds weren't made, and most importantly, the fridge was void of any edible goods.

So, she took a good ol' trip to the grocery store, but not before confirming the extensive list.

-beef steaks
-chicken breast
-cheddar cheese
-loaf of bread
-milk chocolate

Layla hopped out of the car and braced herself for a grocery extravaganza.

As soon as she stepped foot in the store, she realized that she had met her match: babies crying, parents nagging, business men shouting at their phones, couples kissing, and of course, wet floors. Choosing to ignore the distractions, Layla snagged a cart and raced to the produce aisle.


After almost an hour of grocery hell, the cart was overflowing and her list was almost fulfilled. She only had one measly item left - the dear milk chocolate. Nearly out of breath, Layla set out on her chocolate endeavor.

She sorted through the multitude of brands, and after finally selecting the perfect guilty pleasure, she loaded the cart and headed to check out before reaching insanity.

As she trolled down the aisle, Layla  started to notice the shiny streaks on the white tile.


Layla found herself staring up at the iridescent track-lighting located on the ceiling of the grocery store. She cursed at herself for being such a klutz, but before she had the chance to stand up, she heard a faint chuckle.

Layla turned her head, just to notice a strong hand in front of her face. She  followed veins up the hairy arm and all the way up to the face of a smirking man in a tie.

"Need some help? It seems as though you've taken quite a tumble," the mystery man asked in a sympathetic tone.

She took his hand and he pulled her up. Layla dusted off her pants and offered him a sheepish smile, feeling the inevitable embarrassment.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

"Yes. Thank you. I appreciate your help," she quickly replied before he could notice the blush crawling up her neck and cheeks.

"I believe you're missing these." He opened his palm, revealing Layla's phone and keys.

She looked away, out of complete and utter embarrassment, but as she regained her composure, she shot him a thankful smile and drew her belongings back from his hand. He gave her a nod and went on his way.

Layla left the store with her groceries in a haze.

Leave it to Layla to make a fool of herself in the middle of Waldo's Grocery Mart.

Hehe!! Surprise y'all! Hope everybody is doing well and that you enjoyed chapter 3! See you soon!

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