Chara Finds Out The Truth & Overhaul Realizes His Mistakes

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[F] *Wait, Chara...! [C] "Hm...?" [F] *Where are you going? [C] "To the alley. To see Overhaul." [F] *What, why...? You know he's dangerous. [C] No, he's not... [F] But...

 [C] "You know, I was looking for Asriel too, but instead of walking into a battle and getting frostbite, I walked into Dabi's god damn forest fire

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 [C] "You know, I was looking for Asriel too, but instead of walking into a battle and getting frostbite, I walked into Dabi's god damn forest fire...

-And no one was there to help me. Nobody but Dabi himself. Which he did, but I didn't consider him my BROTHER, seeing as Todoroki is basically his brother already...

-I kept walking and I walked straight to the Alley, that's when you spotted me. I ran away as soon as I heard you say my name...

-I gave up on finding Asriel, and went back to the alley and sat on that bench you were sleeping on. And I started crying, nobody noticed me...

-Nobody but Overhaul. Too bad he didn't do anything but ask if I was okay...and walk away. I have to see him and find out if he'll recognize me..."

[F] * [C] "Yeah, whatever...i'm going to find him now, okay?" [F] *Okay... 


[C]"Overhaul... It's me...Chara..." [O] "...Wait- Chara?" [C] "Overhaul...? hello...?- GAH!"[D] "Hey. Did I scare you...? Sorry." 

[C] "It's fine, but, have you seen Overhaul anywhere?" [D] "He's probably in the back room, or as he calls it, "The office". [C] "Thanks... Um, see you later I guess..." [D] "Cya. (I liked that girl, she was nice, heh.)

*And so Chara walked to "The Office"

[C] "Overhaul?" [O] "I know that voice...- CHARA!"  [C] *Sigh* "Guess I came here for nothing..."

*She started to walk out but...

[O] "Chara, wait..!" [C] "Overhaul!?" [O] "Hey..Um, remember when we kinda "met"?" [C] "Yeah..." [O] "Well, I'm..I'm sorry I didn't actually do anything about the burn..."

[C] "How did you even know about that?" [O] "Umm... It's a long story." [C] "Oh, I guess I understand. - Hey, Frisk told me about Toga stopped being a villain and so did Tomura... 'cause of-" [O] "me....?" [C] "Uh..Yeah." [O] "...Heh, heh.. Listen um, I...I...-" [C] "you...?" [O] "I...I'm not as nice as you think..I kinda got into an argument with Tomura about helping Frisk... I said he kidnapped her but... I... I kinda just got, I dunno? Carried away?" [C] ".......Y-you did...WHAT!?" [O] "It was an honest mistake-" 

WHAT!?" [O] "It was an honest mistake-" 

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[O] "Dammit..." [C] *Chara ran away, crying* [O] "I shouldn't have told her that... God, what's wrong with me..."

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