Finally Saving Frisk and...

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[C] ASRIEL!? [T] ooooooooh [D] Hello there, [All] GAHHH! [D] I see you've gotten yourself... a team. [C] Yep. And we're about to save Frisk...And my BROTHER. [D] Your brother? That's a GOAT. [C] ...I'm fucking adopted. [All] Ohhhhhh. [C] Even my parents are goats. [D] Whatever, anyways,  good luck I suppose...

[Several hours of trying to get them out, they succeeded so YAY

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[Several hours of trying to get them out, they succeeded so YAY.]

[F] Chara! Tomura! [AS] Chara!- And frisk. 

(a minute of hugging later)

[C] Can this story finally fucking END!? [O] Yes. Yes it can. 

The end. 

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