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Ash slept peacefully that night, but Alain was kept awake by what he'd said.

'I know a lot of things'

Those words kept ringing around in his head. He never thought he'd be drawn into a situation like this. He couldn't stop thinking about how wrong everyone was about Ash's intelligence. He may appear to be dense, but he was a lot smarter than he looked. He was excited about the fact that he and Ash had gotten slightly closer, but also worried about what he'd gotten himself into. 

He ended up only getting eight hours of sleep which, for him, was not nearly enough.

The next morning, bags were visible under his eyes and he was moody towards everyone. Except Ash, of course, who seemed to miss breakfast.

"Hey, Ash, you didn't eat anything. Are you okay?", Alain asked as he approached him.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just not hungry", he replied with a smile. Alain, knowing what Ash was like, could see through his forced happiness and could tell something was wrong.

"So...did you find Pikachu?"

"Oh, the time I got to the garden it'd already ran back up to my room. Guess it was looking for me too. Did you find your Pokeball?"

"O-Oh a bush"

Ash chuckled.

"Weird place to find a Pokeball. See ya"

With that, he walked away with his cap covering his eyes, leaving Alain speechless.

Ash's POV - Present 

Phew! Oh, I'm so glad he didn't suspect me. At least, I hope he didn't. He didn't look like it. Ugh, that little perv! Staring into my keyhole. What, does he think I'm dense? Well, at least I managed to get away last night. What did I do again? Oh yeah!

After I turned the corner, I went to the bathroom that was on the same floor, assuming Alain was still standing where he was. Making sure the door was locked, I brushed the hairspray out of my hair, making it touch my shoulders again, including my short fringe. I removed those uncomfortable, baggy clothes, leaving only my leotard on. 

I'm so tired of hiding myself. To be fair, it is kinda my fault for being a coward. Then again, when I was younger, I got teased so much because 'Girls can't be Pokemon Masters!'. Ugh. Such a horrible mindset. I don't wanna have to deal with anything like that again. This isn't the easy way out, but there is no easy way out of this. I didn't become a Pokemon Trainer because it's my dream, I'm trying to make a point. However, time and time again, I keep losing leagues, which is making that mindset stronger, even in me.

I put the clothes back on, did my hair again, and went back upstairs to my room, where Pikachu was hiding under the bed. Once it saw me, it rushed out to give me a high-five.

"Great job buddy!", I praised, "That was a great back-up plan. I think it worked. He was a little suspicious, but he believed me in the end. I told him I was looking for you"

Soon, when I go back home and give up on my journey, and accept my defeat to Gary Oak, that idiot that keeps teasing me for my ambitions, I can at least let down my hair for good and I never have to wear another cap again.

Third Person POV - Past

Alain sighed in frustration and stomped his foot like a child.

'He's so secretive!', he thought with anger as he went back to his room.

Quite a short chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to leave any comments/constructive criticism in the comments.

Edit - To anyone who read this before the edit, you might've realized I changed Ash's hair from long to short. I just thought it made more sense for the hair to go down to the shoulders rather than the feet, and that hair gel was used to keep it up in that spiky hair Ash usually has. The best description of Ash's hair I can give when it is brushed down is the same hair as Moon's from Pokemon Sun and Moon. (For some reason I have this really weird theory that Ash is a girl and Moon in Sun and Moon is just Ash showing who she really is then she pretends to be a boy again in the anime. Probably a little weird and definitely not the case, but I might use that concept later).


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