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To be with each other for the last few days Ash was in Kalos, the group of friends, including Mairin and Alain, decided to go out. Serena, Bonnie and Mairin went shopping, while Alain, Clemont and Ash went walking in the park. 

While Ash was sure neither Clemont nor Alain was paying attention to her, as they were in their own worlds while walking, she swiftly ran away from them and hid behind a tree. Taking many deep breaths, she took out the hairbrush from her bag, and brushed her hair down, becoming herself again.

We're going to be using female pronouns for Ash now, since, you know, she's actually a girl.

"Huh, ah, Pikachu...I don't know how longer I can keep this up! I think Alain already knows...I don't know what I'll do if the rest of them find out!", Ash panted squishing Pikachu like a stress toy.

Just then, her phone started to vibrate from her bag. She took it answered the call.


"Hey, Ash sweetie!"

"Mom?! Why are you calling me now?"

"Just wanted to see how you were doing! I have news for you my darling!"


"We're buying a house in Lumiose City!"

Ash's mother's announcement came off with a squeal.


"Yep. We're going to live in Lumiose from now on! I found a new job there!"

"Mom, that's great..."

"Aren't you excited? This means you get to see your friends a lot more from now on!"

"Mom, did you forget I'm pretending to be a boy?"

"Oh, right...about that...I think you should tell-"

"I gotta go. Bye mom"

Cutting off her mother, she ended the call and sighed. She was certain she didn't see Alain or Clemont anywhere around her before she snuck into the small garden nearby, where no one else was, and changed behind an arrangement of bushes. She came out wearing a short, black skirt, with a black sleeveless top and black boots that went up to her knees. She hid her cap and other boyish clothes in her bag and got out of the bush as soon as possible.

"No one will recognize me now!", she whispered to herself as she swerved out of the garden with confidence, being in public as who she really was for the first time in a while. She walked into the same shop Serena and the other younger girls were in, and started looking at clothes. 

Meanwhile, Clemont and Alain had only then realized she was missing.

"Where'd he go?", Clemont asked, looking around the park and calling Ash's name.

"She couldn't have gone far...", speculated Alain, his suspicion for her growing.

"'She'? You do know Ash is a boy, right?"

"Y-Yes! I just spoke wrong. Let's go to the shop where Mairin is and see if she's there"

They entered the shop and found the girls. Clemont started to speak to Serena and Bonnie, but Alain only asked Mairin once and then started looking on his own.

"You know, you seem really interested in Ash lately", Mairin told him, being ignored.

She turned to start looking as well when she saw a pretty girl wearing a black skirt, top and boots with short black hair and pretty Asian eyes.

"Maybe we can ask that girl", she suggested to him, pointing at her. "Hey, her face looks a lot like Ash's. Maybe she's his sister or something"

Alain turned to see what Mairin was talking about and froze.

'That's...the girl I saw when I looked through Ash's keyhole...', he thought as he stared at her. Soon enough, she noticed and started to panic as well.

"Um...can I help you?", she quietly asked him, snapping him out of his trance.

"Oh, um, yeah...we're looking for a friend, he has short black hair and he's wearing a blue jacket. His face looks kinda like yours but sometimes you can't see it because he wears a black cap. Have you seen him?", Alain described to her.


"Oh, okay"

After Alain and the others walked away, Mairin went closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"I know it's you, Ash"

She gasped and backtracked, almost tripping over herself. Checking no one else was there, she whispered back.

"How did you know?"

"It's obvious. You keep going to the bathroom and locking your door. You've never done that before with your disguise. Looks like it's your time of the month"

Mairin winked, making Ash feel slightly uneasy.

"How do you know that? You are not as innocent as I thought!"

"Girl, chillllll, I can keep a secret, and I have a good excuse. Just say that Ash is your brother and live as both of them. That way you can be yourself out in the open without raising suspicion"

"All I wanted was to make a point to a few bullies, and now I have to be two people at once"

"At least I'm not telling"

Mairin directed her to the group, who were all eyeing her suspiciously.

" boy you were talking about just so happens to be"

Their faces lit up. Ash had never told them about a sibling, so they were pretty excited.

"Yeah, and...I think he went back to the lab. He found me and we talked for a little. That's what he said..."

Alain stepped forward with a smirk on his face, deeming his mental theory definite.

"Well, why don't you come back with us? You can spend the last few days here too and you and Ash can go back to Kanto together", he invited.

"I our mom is buying a house in Lumiose City and we're going to live there from now on"

They all cheered, leaving Mairin to give Ash a silent thumbs up and for her to signal and thumbs up back.

Once they arrived back at the lab, Ash quickly rushed to the bathroom to gel her hair again and change her clothes. She practiced her boyish voice again, then came out of the bathroom to meet Clemont.

"Hey, Clemont. You met my sister, right?"

"Yeah. You know, you two look really similar. Where is she now?"

"Oh, uh, she's just changing"

"Oh, okay"

As soon as he walked away, Ash sighed, drooped down against a wall and wondered how she'd survive the mess she created.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to leave any comments/constructive criticism in the comments!

Just to be clear since I had to edit this again, Ash keeps her hair up with hair gel and her hair is short like Moon's from Sun and Moon. Sorry for any confusion!


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