Half Secret

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"You know, Ash", Clemont started while he was sitting on the floor of Ash's room while she petted her Pikachu, "I have not seen you and your sister in the same room. name "

Ash paused to think.

Should I use my real name? Or, no, should I stick with Ash? I even told my mom to call me Ash. Ugh, this is so hard. I could use my real name

"Moon", she answered, "Her name is Moon"

"Wow, that's a great name." Who's older? You're 15 and you're out of all of us "

"We're twins"

"Oh, wow!"

Suddenly, the Professor burst through the door with a bunch of tickets.

"Guys, because of your contribution to saving the world against Lysandre, we all got free tickets to the Alola Region! We're all going on holiday!"

Clemont was filled with glee, but Ash's heart sunk.

'Awww...I'm going to the Region with the best beaches and I can't even wear normal swimsuits...', she thought with self-pity.

Days later, Ash, Clemont, Serena, Bonnie, Mairin, Alain and Professor Sycamore were sitting in a hotel in the Alola Region, drinking cold smoothies and watching the serenity of the sunset. All were laughing and joking with each other except Ash, who didn't know he was being watched by Alain. After dinner, Alain asked Ash to go for a walk by the beach.

"S-Sure! Okay!", she responded. She quickly rushed to the bathroom again and started to get changed.

Making sure everyone else was either distracted by something else or sleeping, Alain grasped the moment to find the truth once and for all.

"Ash, why don't you bring your sister?", he asked.

"Oh, no, she doesn't like going out at night", Ash responded, starting to get feverish.

"You know, I never saw her get on the plane, and she wasn't in the car ride to the hotel either"

"She went on the same plane, but alone. As soon as she boarded, she took a separate car because she worried there wouldn't be enough space in our car. She'll arrive soon."

Clemont and Mairin, unaware of each other's presence, were both listening to their conversations from their rooms. Alain sighed.

"Moon, I know it's you. I've known for a while now. You can trust me, just please stop this"

Ash gasped more high-pitched than she'd wanted to, proving Alain's point further, and then sighed both with relief and shock. She reluctantly brushed her hair down, put on a dress, and opened the door of the bathroom. She kept her head down as Alain stood in front of her. He raised her chin with his hand, smiling at her.

"You're more beautiful this way. Come with me, and we'll talk about it", he told her, heading towards the door.

Blushing, she followed him and locked the door behind her. Clemont and Mairin both sat against the wall. One in shock, one in question.

"Is there any purpose of hiding it at this point?", Mairin asked herself.

"So Ash and his sister...are the same person?", Clemont asked himself.

Meanwhile, Alain and Moon were enjoying their walk on the beach, seeing the sand drift along the shore and the waves retreat as soon as they met land. The stars twinkled above them, revealing Moon's beautiful black eyes are Alain's blue eyes.

"Moon, why would you hide yourself like that?", Alain questioned her.

"You don't understand. Girls get made fun of a lot for wanting to be great Pokemon Trainers. I just...wanted to make a point. But no one would take me seriously if I started off as a girl. I'd be even more of a joke if all the Leagues I'd entered knew I was a girl too. It just makes that point stronger. Even for me", she explained.

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