Chpt 10: So Close

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Firey stared at the ground, shocked. He covered his face. X came in, hugging Firey. "Its okay, I'm here!" X said happily. Firey hugged back, smiling a bit. X looked at Firey's cuts. "Have you hurt yourself?" He asked. Firey didn't answer, he walked back to his seat and sat down. Leafy's desk had been fixed successfully, X pats Leafy's head. "You can do this guys, I know you can!" X cheered to the class with glee. Firey's eyes drooped a bit. Four walked in, "Firey get over here!" Four yelled. Firey flinched a bit, getting up. Firey walked over to Four, following him out the hall. Leafy watched, then looked at Pencil and Match which were snickering. "It was like- true anyways!" Match whispered. "Omg, yes its not even a lie anymore," Pencil whispered in joy. "Anymore?" Leafy asked. "Shush, turn around and mind your own business," Pencil said. Leafy looked down, Firey walked back in. Firey was crying softly, he was shaking and felt guilty. Firey sat back down, giving no attention to X as he said, "Whats wrong?" Firey didn't answer X. He turned away and just stared into space where darkness can void him inside. X backed up, sighing and getting back to teaching. Firey then walked out of the classroom randomly. X had a concerned look on his face.  Firey walked towards the doors, he actually wanted to leave, he couldn't do this, couldn't take any of this bullshit anymore. Firey pushed his hands against the door only to be tapped on the shoulder by Teardrop. Firey slammed Teardrop against the ground. Cake and Bracelety witnessed this. "Firey how could you! She can't understand your personal space!" Cake yelled. "Teardrop can't talk!" Bracelety screamed. Cake flinched at Bracelety's tone, sighing as Firey quickly walked away.

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