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Ello everyone. This is a book to help you get to know us better. So since I am the founder (and only one online at the moment) I'll start first.

Full name: Joseph A. Singh

Age: 13 years old, going on 14

Date of Birth: 3rd of January, 2001

Me: I am a fighter. I fight for people, not myself. I help others, not myself. People say I am selfless. I see it as my job rather than a volunteery thing.

The other me: I am a "nerd". People pick on me and tease me. Then they get punched...But why go into details xP Basically hurt me, you regret it. Hurt my friends or anyone who is innocent, regret being born.

The OTHER me: I am kind, generous and have a heart that can't hold everyone (sorry ladies xD). I am not single.Annnd I like to read (duh).

That's 3 out of like 50 me's. I have different moods and sometime in the future I'll lose control and unleash the 50th me. But nothing to worry bout... Except total descruction to the guy that causes that 50th me to surface.

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