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                            *BECAUSE I AM LAZY LIKE THAT.......*

      That is my name. No I was not born with it, but yes I was. We are born to be us, and Corpse is who I am. Sometimes my name freaks people out so they call me Casper instead. I am ok with that. I was born March 15, 2001. I am thirteen turning fourteen. I got to Early College Academy in Canton, Ohio (US). I am a Goth/Emo I guess if I were 'labled'. I love rock music and I love dark colors. I am not into cliche much. I have been into the Gohtic seen since I was about ten. Even before then I loved the daarker side of life, I just didn't know there was a name for it till then. I love to laugh, and I don't really like heat and sunlight. I love the night and the cool air. The wealther in Ohio is as unpredictable as me. I have always kind of been a nerd/weirdo/shy/different kind of person. My favorite color I guess would be blue. I love it in the shades of midnight and saphire. I love to write and I like to sing to my favorite songs when no one is around. I am chubby, there is no doubting it. I wasn't always, but some things can change even your weight. I am pretty short, I have dirty blonde hair, and my eyes change color (origionally blue, sometimes grey, and sometimes green). I love to read and I love a few movies. If you have any questions PM at CorpseVSterling and I will try to give you a response.


                                                  My Thoughts On Bullying and Some Advice

   My thoughts on bullying? Hmm.... Well bullying in the dictionary is defined as 'being cruel or mean to weaker people'. I disagree. I believe bullying is a way people let out their anger, take the focus off their own faults, make themselves feel better, and attempt to gain possitive attention. Most of the human population ache to be noticed, to be excepted. Bullying is something people use to get that. At least that is what they think they are getting. And the people bullies pick on are not 'weaker', either. The bully is. This person who feels so low and down in the dumps about themselves has to pick on other people just to feel better? I pitty this person, but not all bullies are the same. Remeber this. Some people bully for attention, some for gain, some for hatred and jealousy, some for self-assurance, and some bully so they feel superior and dominant. Be for you judge a bully, find out why they are a bully. Maybe you could help them.

Be careful though. There are some bullies who just bully because the really do enjoy other's agony.What I am trying to say is, to sum it up, the reason some people are bullies is exactly that they have a reason. Try and find out this reason (if it is safe). It might help you understand this 'bully' better, and you could try telling them some of the reasons why you are the way you are. Why do you always wear that color? Why do you   paint your nails that way? Play Q&A if you have to. *Chuckles*

        Another thing is the 'company of the bully'. Bullies always seem to have groupies or people who laugh with them. Most of these 'company people' are just as bad as the bullies. They just want to fit in and be 'cool'. Usually when the bully stops so do they. NOT ALWAYS, but sometimes. Some people are bullies without even knowing it. "In the end, we will remeber not the words of our enemy, but thesilence of our friends."-Martin Luther King, Jr. If you see someone being bullied or picked on, do something.  If you are afraid of getting bullied too (which I understand), write an 'unknown note'. Write aa note or letter about the bullying. Make sure it has the 5W's (Who, What, Where, When, Why). You don't have to be too specific, but at least givee enough info that can help the case. Give the letter to a teacher or someone who can help or are willing to help. Make sure they are willing to help. It is no use giving info and asking for help from someone who won't. Some people may surprise you, though. That mean teahcer who you are possitive doesn't like you or that 'mean girl' may not be as mean and evil as you think. To sum this portion up. Reach out if you or someone else is being bullied. In the long run it may help you.

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