Chapter 3

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As soon as I pulled into Calum's driveway Serenity started to wake up. I got out of the car and got Serenity from the backseat and picked her up bridal style.

"Luke?" She questioned starting to become better awake.

"You're okay Reny," I hummed in her ear as we walked into Calum's house.

I walked in and I laid her down on the couch.

Calum, Ashton, Michael, and Aaron were all in the kitchen with a few beers. I walked over to them and sighed.

"What happened? Is Serenity okay?" Michael asked.

"Her mom," Aaron mumbled.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows.

"My mom got mad at Serenity from coming home last night a little drunk because she was out with friends. She started saying that her friends are a bad influence and that she has no reason to be out drinking and doing whatever else in general especially on a school night. Then when Aaron got there she was having a panic attack most likely due to other things my mom said to her. She was calm when I got there. Then we found out that my mom hit her. I spoke to my mom and she honestly was sorry," I informed them and they nodded

"Wow," Calum breathed.

"Oh, and I informed her about her sweet little daughter Aubrey," I laughed out and they burst out laughing.

"No way," Michael said not believing I brought that up.

"Of course if she was gonna go there I would too," I shrugged not really caring.

"It's not like I'm as close with Aubrey as I am with Serenity. Aubrey's a bitch that's just fucking up her life, we've all tried to change her but she just doesn't care. She takes right after her mother," I sighed.

"I'm glad Serenity listens to our talks and doesn't go down the wrong lane. She may swerve there every once in a while but it's nothing crazy," Ashton spoke and we nodded in agreement.

"I just didn't think she'd hit her, she's never hit you guys," Calum said taking a sip of his Corona.

"I just feel bad because she was with me last night and a few other friends. It's kinda my fault," Aaron said putting his head in his hands.

"No offense but it kinda was partial," I mumbled.

"I know I shouldn't have convinced her to stay later," he grunted.

"You asshole," I spoke looking him in the eyes.

"I said I was sorry man," Aaron spoke getting all worked up.

"You knew she'd get in trouble yet you still kept her out late. I swear sometimes ya brain. It doesn't function properly," I spoke anger clear in my tone

"Who else was with you?" Michael asked trying to change the topic.

"Well it was me, Serenity, Nickolas, Tori, Kevin, and Xavier," Aaron said and Michael raised his eyebrow.

"2 girls and 4 guys? That's weird. Kevin and Xavier come a majority of the time but usually, it's just you, Reny, Tori, and Nick," Ashton said.

"And isn't Kevin her ex? That's still trying to get back with her?" Michael asked and Aaron bit his lip.

"I mean yeah but we're all still friends," Aaron shrugged.

That's the thing I hated most about Aaron, he was too weird. I want the best for my sister, that's Kevin. Kevin made people know what was his and has gotten into many fights for my sister. I respect that. I look for someone who will go to the same lengths I will.

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