Chapter 15

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The remainder of the night we all hung out. We ordered pizza watched movies and just enjoyed ourselves. They weren't trying to only distract me. They were trying to create new happy memories to overpower the bad ones. I appreciated it. It was working whether I admitted to it or not. At like 6 pm Xavier left because his mom needed him.

"What time do I have to be home by Luke? I have school," I asked lazily.

"You don't have to go you know? I'm pretty sure you have a valid excuse," Luke joked to ease the tension.

"I know but if I'd rather go. I already said I don't want this to change anything," I reminded them as I laid on Kevin's lap.

"Well you can stay here tonight and I can drive you if you want," Cal offered.

"This weekend I'll stay over. Plus Kevin was gonna drive me if that's cool with you and mom Luke," I informed them.

"Why wouldn't it be?" He questioned.

"Because love is in the air," Mikey sang.

"Oh go fuck yourself," I laughed at him.

We all started laughing at our little "argument".

"So love isn't in the air?" Kev pouted.

I turned to face him and he had that stupid look. The little sad face that no human could say no to.

I rolled my eyes and moved up to sneak him a kiss.

"Better?" I teased.

"Much," he smirked.

"PDA guys save the kissing for Kevin's house," Luke groaned.

Kev and I immediately threw each other the same grin.

"So you are condoning this? If Kevin and I like date it's okay?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, mom said it was okay. Plus I like Kevin," Luke responded.

"Us too," Ash commented.

The stupid smile Kev and I shared was glued to our face.

"So if I do this," I trailed off.

I placed a few gentle pecks on Kevin's lips.

"You won't care?" I asked.

"No, I won't. But stop kissing in front of me before we change our minds," he whined.

"Okay okay. Thank you," I smiled.

"But since you're spending the night Kevin is gonna take me home but we're gonna go to his house first," I rambled grabbing my stuff.

"Okay, I'll let mom know. Be safe," Luke spoke giving me a hug.

"I love you guys," I yelled as we walked out.

"We love you too," they replied simultaneously.

I was so confused. What were Kev and I? We didn't talk about it. I pushed away my thoughts and got into his car.

"Stop overthinking," he hummed as he pulled out of the driveway.

"What are we?" I blurted out.

"I know what I want us to be but the decision's yours," he mumbled.

"I want to be your girlfriend," I spoke looking towards him.

"Are you sure you're okay and comfortable with this?" he asked.

"Positive," I grinned.

"Hold tight princess," he smirked.

He drove to his taking all sorts of back ways to avoid traffic. I made a decision that I knew I wouldn't regret. Once we were at his empty house he rushed us inside. His excitement radiated. Happy was a good look on him. Actually, every look was a good look on him. He locked the doors and turned on the lights. He dragged me to his bedroom upstairs. Once there he pinned me to the wall.

"If only you knew how long I've been waiting to do this," he whispered.

He placed small pecks all over the face. He pushed me onto his bed. He trailed kisses from my face to my chest.

" beautiful," he mumbled in between kisses.

His lips met mine once again with hunger and I returned the same energy. When he kissed me I had butterflies and every touch felt electric.

He flipped us over so I was on top and I kissed him all over. I went to lift his shirt but he stopped me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he shook his head.

"Not now babygirl. When we do have sex it's gonna be special. There's no reason to rush. I don't plan on going anywhere," Kev smiled.

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