18. obito & kagami

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when you walk away, yeah. 

obito decides to text kagami, the semi-decent peacemaker in his group of friends and who is also his older cousin. 

obi tobi - obito | origami - kagami 

obi tobi:

hey kagami. got a sec 


yeah obito, what's up.

obi tobi:

i kinda sorta wanna end my relationship.


you're only saying that just because he cheated. 

obi tobi:

so what.


from what i heard from izumo, he only cheated once so

 why end a five-year relationship because of that. 

obi tobi:

because i'm afraid that he'll just 

cheat on me over and over again.


did he apologize to you after the first time he cheated?

obi tobi:

yeah, he did.


so i don't see the problem here obito.

obi tobi:

you already know that i don't have the luxury of being 

good looking like you, itachi or cousin fugaku 

or even great uncle madara in his prime. 


obito, how many times do i have to tell you this; 

kakashi only fell for you because of your personality not looks.

obi tobi:

i get that but still, those insecurities 

only came back because of him cheating.


i love you obito, i do but have you ever 

bothered to see a therapist so you can talk about this.

obi tobi:

i thought about it 

but i never fell through with it.


then go, cause i did like you 

see how well i'm doing in my life.

obi tobi:

you're dating tobirama

motherfucking senju, ofc 

you'll need therapy kagami.


tobirama is not that bad once you 

get to know him, he's a total sweetheart.

obi tobi:

sweetheart where. he's constantly side-eyeing

me every time izumo & i come to visit you. 


he's not used to seeing you around. just give him some 

time and you'll see he's very friendly. 

obi tobi: 

i'll take your word for it and 

i'll try my best to make an appointment. 

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