Chapter 7

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*Louis POV*

I ran up to Harrys room. I coild hear soft.sobs coming from his room. I quietlu knocked on the door and I could hear his feet shuffling towards it. He opened it up his eyes were red and puffy and he still had some tears on his cheeks. I quickly pulled him into a tight hug trying my best to comfort him. He soon fell asleep. I watched him sleep peacefully, then he started to stir and he would mumble Nialls name. I let out a small laugh and heard someone opening Harrys door.

"Hey Harry are yo.. Oh" Niall came through the door probably to cheek on Harry.

"Shh" I said quickly as Harry began to wake up.

"Hey boobear" Harry said I a raspy voice.

"Hi Hazza" I replyed smiling at our nicknames.

"Um hey Harry you ok?" Niall asked quietly.

"Oh um erm yeah im fine Niall" Harry said not looking Niall in the eyes.

"oh um ok then imma go to the store want to come?" niall asked.

"No" he responded quickly and I knew he was still upset about the news report. A single tear roled down Nialls face as he walked out of the room.


"what?" He gave me a confused look.

"Why wont you look at him?"

"Because I cant..." He said looking away from me.

" You need to tell him Hazz." I said quickly.

"NO I cant he will hate me and think im disgusting, he wont ever talk to me again."

"Hes your best mate.he wont ever think your disgusting."

"Yes he will" Harry stood up and walked into the bathroom. I heard the shower running and I started to think of a plan to get Niall and Harry together. "Liam" I mumbled to myself. I stood up and walked down stairs. I could hear soft sobes coming from Nialls room. I ran to Liam and started to tell him everything.

*A/N Ok so tell me what you guys think of this chapter also dont forget to comment and vote' THANKS! :)

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