Chapter 8

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*Harrys POV*

I got in the shower letting the warm water run over my body. My curly locks stuck to my forehead as i just sat there think about those beautiful blue eyes. I started to cry knowing that Niall would never love me. I washed my face then got out of the shower. I walkeed over to my closet and pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a white t-shirt. I didnt feel like getting dressed. I walked down the hall and stopped in front of Nialls room. Soft snores came from his room and i couldnt help but smile. I could see his chest rise and fall, he looked so peaceful. I countiuned to walk downstairs to the kitchen. I walkeed in and saw Louis and Liam wispering to eachother.

"Hey Haz" Liam said giving me a weak smile.

"Hey Li" i walked to the fridge and pulled out the orange juice. Louis andLiam were just watching me carefully. "What?" I asked They shrugged their shoulders and turn away looking anywhere else but at me.I decided to watch Tv and as i sat down on the couch the wispers between Liam and Louis continued. I could hear a little of what they were saying.

"No" Liam said

"But Lee Yum Please?" Louis begged.

"No i dont wana.he....our..what....doesnt...hate us." i couldn't hear liams full sentence, but it was killing me to know what they were talking about. I stood up and walked  towards the sink putting my empty glass in the sink.

"What are you guys wispering about?" They looked at eachother then back at me.

"Oh Um uh just that we need to the stor but Liam is complaining and doesnt want to go." Louis said. I looked at the and shrugged my shoulders. There is something going on between them and i will figure it out. I decided to go upstairs and think. I sat in my bed thinking about Niall. Hes so perfect. Hes beautiful blue eyes, his pink plump lips, hes dyed blonde hair, hes just so beautiful. I started to drift off to sleep.

*Liams POV*

"Louis we cant set them up on a date." i said calmly to Louis.

"But whyy notttt?" Louis winned.

"Because ugh just let me think about it ok i will give you an answer tomarrow." i said and turned away before he could even reply. I walked up stairs and heard crying? it was coming from Nialls room. I walked over and knocked on the door quietly. There was no answer so i let myself in. Niall was laying on his bed crying in his sleep. i walked over to him and shook him "Niall..? Niall wake up."

"But ... I love you." was all niall said. Who was he dreaming about. "NIALL WAKE UP!" i yelled into his ear. Niall bolted up and stared at me. "You ook mate?" i asked giving him a hug.

"Y-Yeah just a nightmare." he said still shaken up a bit.

"Who was it about?" i asked.

"Um uh someone" he said.

"Niall you said you loved them now tell me please im your best friend" I pressed hoping to get an answer out of him.

"I- uh I said i loved him?" did he just say him? Yes he did.

"So its a Him? Whats his name do i know him"

"Liam if i tell you, you cant tell anyone got it?"

"Got it" i replied. He took a deep breath and slowy started to speak.

"I love H-Harry" he breathed out. My eyes widen and then a smirk formed on my mouth.

"Awww Niall!!!" i gave him a hug and he just stared at me confused.

"Y-you dont hate me?"

"Hate you why would i hate you your my best mate?"

"I dont know i just thought if any of you found out i was gay you would hate me" he wispered

"Niall we love you we will never hate you ok, now lets go get something to eat."

Niall nodded and then ran down the stairs. I have to tell Louis so we can get to work on our plan,

A/N Ok so tell me what you think  and i will update once i have 5 votes and 4 comments :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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