Hope County Jail

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Grace took me back to Nick's for me to enter looking around knowing when I was little I use to be friends with Grace and Nick but now it is so different because Joseph ruined this place for me, "Hope" Nick says to run over lifting me into the air while spinning me around making me to laugh while hugging him as well, "are you missing someone?" I hear Kim for Nick to put me on the ground for me to look at the pouch seeing her standing there for me to rush over giving her a hug knowing Kim and I were always friends for her to usher me inside. They don't really know on what happened to me after I left when I was 15 to live with my mother who then passed away to meet Joseph but other then that I talked about my fake life knowing if I told them that the past years I was with Joseph they would think of me as a spy which makes me to sit my coffee. An other few months passed knowing that Joseph has been searching for me making me to be hiding in a tree with deputy who was next to me as we have our binoculars  on looking as the helicopter lands with Joseph, John, Jacob and Faith stepping out for me to watch them knowing that it is odd for them to visit a little base like this but why, "they are on the move" I say to the deputy for him to nod on that knowing he doesn't talk that much, "remember the plan" I say for him to nod again making me to sigh using the zipline going down to roll whistling for the Seeds to look over at me, "come and get me" I say to run for the Seeds to get in the helicopter making me to take a bike riding through the forest nodding to for me to come near a tree jumping up onto the branch as they follow the bike knowing it won't be long. I run back to the base taking down the guards to then headbutt another guy as I make it to deputy and the children for them to look at me, "come now children" I say lifting two up and grabbing two hands to then run out of there to a truck pulling out my gun shooting the peggies. I put the children in the back jumping in with them as deputy gets in the driver seat for us to go down the road when bullets hit the top making me to cover the children then, "faster deputy" I yell for him to drive like a manic until we reach the jail where the helicopter gets fired at making me to smile as we stop inside for the door to open by the Pastor making me to be helped out, "thanks Jerome" I say to take the children to the infirmity where the doctors can check them over then. I am sitting on the wall looking through my old diary with a photo of my ultra sound of my little girl making me to hold in my sobs wondering what god is planning me which makes me to look up at the stars then breathing in wishing to have died that day but I am apart of gods plans, I flip the page with a picture of Joseph and me on it making me to trace his face with a sad look in my eyes, I wonder what happened after he thought on me as dead. 

I then hear something in the wood making me to look in that direction looking around seeing the guards can not hear it at all for me to grab my gun putting my diary in my pocket jumping from my spot to walk into the wood hearing it getting louder which sounds like a baby crying for me to rush there seeing a pink bundle sitting in the dirt making to get to her picking it up but its a rock for me to spin around with my gun seeing a funeral seeing Joseph standing there with John and Jacob they seem to be upset on the passing for me to look at Joseph who is passive, "would you like to say some words, Mr Seed" the preacher says for me to watch him and then the grave seeing my name on the gravestone for me to look at Joseph, "no I do not wish to say anything at all" Joseph says to then turn away for his brothers to walk with him, "we are to go to Hope County" Joseph says for me to stand there as it goes black for me to hear screaming of women and children for mercy as Joseph kills them so easily for blood to grow around me like a pool for me to drown in it trying to scream but it blocks my lungs from screaming. I awake in the morning in my bed looking around with fear in my eyes and sweat covering my body for me to comb my fingers in my hair laying back in the pillows with a sigh escaping my parted lips then. The days were passing for me to have nightmares for me to be sitting in the forest closing my eyes for a bit knowing it is dangerous but I can't breath in the jail knowing that is where the criminals use to live for me to hear nothing as someone shoots with an arrow for me to open my eyes seeing the arrow for me to pull it out going loopy knowing it has been covered in bliss for me to rock and then sub come to it falling to the side with me hearing amazing grace ringing throughout my head knowing it to be either something good or bad for me to lay there but then my mind is clouded in darkness seeing the lord standing there, "daughter" he says for me to kneel on the ground to him, "yes father" I say for him to smiling putting a careful hand on my shoulder, "it is time to help your Joseph" the lord the father says for me to look at him with fear in my eyes, "I am scared my lord" I say for him to bend down brushing a hand on my cheek with him kissing me on the cheek then, "when you have helped your love you will enter heaven to be with your little one" the lord says for him to stand making him to help me stand seeing her there around 5 for me to watch her there running around trying to catch butterflies knowing she looks a lot like me but she has Joseph's beautiful blue eyes that give me peace for me to close my eyes falling back to be surrounded in darkness then.    

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