Chapter Two: The Everlasting Goodbyes

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-the girls were on their way when Blanca had forgotten to even say goodbye to her grandparents. But she had felt like she didn't need to say goodbye to her uncle. She thought he is a completely bad person. Blanca didn't like him and her grandmother....-






"Hold on Angela, it will only take a second." I know that Angela didn't want to stay one more minute but she had no choice. Angela took a seat back down on the couch. She does understand that this will probably be the last time I will see my grandparents. The goodbyes will surely be hard for me. Maybe for my grandma too. I had thought over all the good times me and my grandma had, but those times were over. I now think differently of her, she wasent the same nice granny I had. She had made me dislike her. Cause of the way she is now. I don't know she's just changed ever since my mom died. Maybe she wants me to leave.... Maybe she doesn't. I remember the time I confronted her and told her that I should move on to another place and to just get away for a little while. I mean why not. Isn't that what any 15 year old wants now of days? I thought. She didn't like the fact that I would be moving to Tulsa. I always have a feeling that my grandma will be forever mean, its just when she gives me 'the look'. I hated that look. I hated it because it was a look of hatred. She did dislike me. What was I thinking and to think I still love and care about her. But she has those days were she changes, into you know, good. I would say she's kinda bipolar on her feeling range.

I had walked in her room. Boy was it dark in there. But it wasent dark enough for me to see her sitting on the bed looking down to the floor. She looked different this time. She looked like she was down in the dumps. Man did I feel so responsible for this. I suddenly felt like a softy, I didnt mean to make her feel like this. Or did I?... When really I did.

"Hey grandma, were heading out already." I came a little closer to her but she didn't move. Nor talk one bit. But she is awake. Her eyes are open. "Grandma are you okay?" The room had gotten a little colder, I could feel the emptiness. I decided to put one hand on her shoulder to try to shake her. Maybe she was sleep walking, I should know because she does this a lot. "Wh-what, happened?" She said while holding her head and rubbing her eyes. I knew it, she was sleepwalking tonight. "Grandma don't worry it was just the sleepys, they got to ya again." "Oh, oh my I'm so sorry girly I hope I didnt give ya a scare. Well you know how I am already." My grandma was laughing at the fact that she might hurt herself while shes asleep and can't even control it. I didn't think of it as funny. I was pretty damn worried. Damn, I was worried? For her?

"So y'all girlys going already?" Grandma had gotten up and dusted out her nightgown. Her demeanor had changed. I could tell. "Yeah, its already past midnight and we were supposed to leave before that time." I guess you could say I'm a little afraid of my grandmother. "Oh well I guess im just gonna have to make my goodbyes quick then, huh?" I tried to hold back some tears but it was dark in there, there was only the light in the restroom thats all. Wait I was crying, for her? I thought. But at least  she wouldn't be able to see me. "Yeah i guess you have too." My head dropped to see the floor. Whether or not it was dark in the room I still got the feeling my grandma was looking at my now watery face. Thank God I didn't have my makeup on or that would've been real ugly. "Hey, why are you crying?" Oh man she could see me. I turned away as fast I could back to the restroom where I could fix myself up. She came trailing along behind me. I was caught. "Hey, aren't you going to answer me or what?" I looked in the mirror and saw myself not alone. My grandma was with me. I didn't feel like answering her question. I didn't feel like anything.

"Don't tell me that you don't wanna go now?" My grandma said. I felt like right after she said that... I don't know the way she said was very pushy. It felt like she wanted me to get the hell out of here already but not in that good way, of course. "Hey! I asked you a goddamn question before now answer me! She had gotten a tight grip on my arm and didn't let go. Damn, for an elder she did have that strength to make you feel pain. I started to whimper from it, then I finally said, "Why, you want me to leave so soon? You'd like that wouldnt you? You like for me to get the hell out, wouldn't ya?!" I tried squirming out of her grip but it hurt everytime I tried. I was in rage because I hated when she made me feel like dirt at times. "Well I don't see ya walking out that damn door anytime soon that's for sure!" "Fine, I'm getting the hell outta here! Won't have to deal with me anymore and after all these times I thought you had changed grandma! Let go of me!" Grandma was pissed, obviously, it eventually had turned into 'the look' she had eventually let go off my arm which was possibly badly bruised. "Damn you were even lucky that I came back to say goodbye to your ass!" "Oh just get the hell out and ruin your life, don't expect me to help you anymore." She said. "You ain't helping me by being in my life anymore, I'm done! Good ridence!" That's when I started to walk out of the room. I didnt have anything else to say to her. And apparently she was the same.  I was heading out the door when it was up until I saw a crashed out Angela on the couch. Man she crashes easily. I decided to wake her by shaking her. "Angela Kirsten Richards aye wake up! Its time to go! C'mon now." I guess the vigorous shaking worked she eventually woke her ass up. "Damn what time is it?" Her eyes looked tired and bloodshot as she was rubbing them, maybe she had a few hits before she came tonight. I thought. "Late. Now c'mom, time to leave this hell hole." ....




-the girls were finally leaving the house.-

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