5: No One Escapes Alive

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Don't play that until I say so.

All of them made it upstairs and went into the Infirmary. They enter and the only thing they all saw was Rylan's dead body with his crushed head.

"Rylan...no...." Blaze felt guilty for not being there to help him. Maria felt like she was going to gag, Daniel is horrified, Dottie is scared to the bone. "Blaze," Dottie opened her mouth, "Yes?" He replies. "I think we should leave, like right now."

Before they even started, they heard gunshots coming outside of the Infirmary. "Huh?" They went to the cell blocks and they see the last man killing the zombies coming for him. "WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" He yelled at them and they went to where the came from, the Catwalk.

But the Catwalk is full of zombies, the only thing Blaze said was, "SPLIT-UP!" Blaze went down to the showers room, Dottie ran back upstairs, Maria booked it to the Docks that's at the other side of the island, and then there was Daniel and the last man.

Daniel started to panic in the inside, he was left behind with another man. "What should we do?" He asked him. "We," Daniel pulled out the camera, which he stole from Maria, "are going to give the Chan's their pictures." Daniel then charged at the horde of zombies.

Dottie went to the rooftop. And there was no other way out. "rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEAAAAAAA!" The zombie was behind her and she quickly killed it. She looked at the wood over by one of the Voltage Boxes.

She used the blood of the zombie and wrote:


"And that's my final message..." and that was Dottie's last words before Specter came up from behind and stabbed her with his Ripper from the back. She groaned in pain. "Too bad a pretty lady like you had to die..." they whispered to her ear. And she fell down...

Dottie Kassis
Killed in Action

Family? Yes.

Husband: Blaze Kassis

Age when died: 29

Death Message:
Blaze, I am sorry that I died... look, I know you love me and all but, this is how life works. And that fear of me dying in war, it came true Blaze. I'm sorry if it hurts you really bad. I will always love you..

Maria was tapping on the button for the Gondola to close. The hoard was coming for her. "CLOSE YOU STUPID GONDOLA!" She yelled as she was firing at the undead. And then finally.


The gate closed and the Gondola was going to the docks. "Finally..." she whispered to herself. She tapped where the camera will be but, it wasn't there... "what?" She looked again and realized that, someone took it and she knew it. The Gondola landed and the gates opened. Zombies were coming for her but she didn't care anymore... "DANIEL!" She yelled his name out loud as the zombies tore her and ate her up.

Maria McArthur
Killed in Action

Family? No.

Age when died: 29

Death Message: N/A Files Lost....

Blaze went to the showers and it was biggest regret ever... bodies were hanging in the bloody showers. Specter soon found him and said, "Blaze Kassis."

He turned to see the killer. He opens his arms and said, "end me... I don't want to suffer..."

"Poor choice of words..." he said as he sliced him through the chest.

Blaze Kassis
Killed in Action

Family? Yes.

Wife: Dottie Kassis

Age when died: 31

Death Message:
Yep...it finally happened. I didn't think I'll die but hit happen. This may not be a long one but, Dottie, I will always love you...

Daniel finally made it to the West Side of the island, all alone. He place the camera on the boat. "You're going to Singapore buddy." He said as he put the boat on autopilot and it left, without him...

"There you are..." Daniel gasped and make a quick successful punch in Specter. "You little son of a bitch..." he growls at him, "don't you know, WHO I AM?" He yelled at him before cutting his kneecaps.

It was his end.

Play it now.

Specter dragged him back to the prison while Daniel was begging to be spared. "NO STOP! PLEASE!" As soon they got to the main entrance, he can see all of the doomed spirits crying at him for not making it out alive.

He was taking to the Infirmary, Specter grabs a blade and cutter his ears and tail off. Daniel screams in pain. And before he was hanging on the hooks, Specter said, "Welcome to the Alcatraz Hell Purgatory. Where No One Escapes Alive..." he finally hanged him.

All of them are dead and the only warning they put was

All of them are dead and the only warning they put was

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Kawaii~Chan's POV:

I shook in fear, knowing that could be me soon...

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