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Yoongi just got off of his part-time job, which is working as a bread baker that's real near his dorm. He walked away from the bakery and went back to his dorm.

Ten minutes later and Yoongi arrived in his dorm. He opened the door,took off his shoes,placed his shoes in the corner, and closed the door.

He proceeded to go to the living room. He spent his free time wisely by calling up his friends for them to be invited to his party.

Yoongi finished inviting every single friend of his to his party. Yoongi slid his phone under the couch, not giving a single crap if it breaks or not. He lied down on the couch and stared at the ceiling like he's a dead corpse.

"lemme just sleep i'm tired as shit"

Yoongi moved his body to his right and placed his hands below his head. Sooner or later his eyes closed and drifted off to sleep.

Three hours later, Seokjin arrived in the dorm. Frustrated at the sight, he walked over to the couch. He hesitated to wake him up but he woke him up after a couple of minutes later.

"hey, Yoongi wake up"

Yoongi didn't wake up. This is going to be difficult for Seokjin.

"agh, stop sleeping"

Seokjin shook his body with annoyance. Yoongi suddenly woke up and saw Seokjin standing tall, looking a bit annoyed.

"oh, fuck...."

"stand up, ugh, you keep on lazing around help me with the groceries will you?"

"yeah, yeah...wait a sec"

He got off of the couch and stood up. He looked at the plastic bags filled with food and other things that were in there. He kneeled down and dug into the plastic bag that has food and drinks.

"hey, uhm, can you go back and buy wine and other food and shit?"

"seriously? i only bought these for us to consume"

"pleasee, Jin pleaseee"

"yeah if you'd put these in the refrigerator"

"i will i will please just go back and buy it"

"i trust you with this, Min Yoongi"

Yoongi smiled at him sincerely. Seokjin rolled his eyes,walked to the door,opened it, and left the dorm.

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