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Seokjin grabbed five bags of Dorito chips and placed it inside the push cart. Those were the last items that he needed to get and so he pushed the push cart to line up in the advantage card line.

A few minutes later and the bagger finished packing up the groceries inside the plastic bags. He carried the plastic bags all by himself. He didn't even mind if one of the plastic bags are heavy as Thanos.

Luckily, he got to his car a bit quicker than he actually expected. He dropped three or two plastic bags down on the ground to reach for his car keys inside his pocket. He got it and pressed the symbol that looked like a lock that is unlocked.

He opens the door slowly and got one plastic bag one at a time inside the car. Few minutes later, he finished, closed the back door, got inside his car, sat on the driver's seat, and drove off.

Seokjin arrived in front of his dorm. He parked his car in the parking area, got out, got the groceries, got inside, and went upstairs.

While Seokjin is on his way to his dorm room, Yoongi is currently slacking off after he prepared all of the beats for the supposed background music for the party. Yoongi was sitting down on the couch watching some movie called, Thor:Ragnarok.

As soon as the movie progressed to the epic fight scene where Thor makes an awesome entrance, Seokjin entered the dorm room.

"why in the fuck are the plastic bags still on the damn floor?"

"oh shit, wait, i can explain i was still preparing all the beats and stuff don't get mad at me i'll clean these up and i'll put it back i swear"

"you better, Min Yoongi!"

Seokjin said in a low tone while prolonging 'Yoon' in Yoongi.

Yoongi instantaneously ran towards the plastic bags that were on the floor and grabbed it. He arranged all of the groceries properly in the refrigerator. Seokjin watched his every move closely.

"oh, hey don't forget about these too, you told me to buy these and make sure to arrange this before your friends would come"

"yeah, yeah i will!"

Yoongi shouted while putting the canned goods in the cabinets.

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