Chapter 4

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It is a Saturday morning. It is warm and sunny outside. Then, there's a calm and quiet in this apartment. *snores* Nevermind, there is Lou.

Lou is sleeping with a blanket covering her head. She suddenly wakes up by a loud phone call. She pops her head up quickly and looks around. she wonders what was that. 'oh.' she then realized. She picks up her phone on a nightstand.

"Hello." she lays back down.

"Hey, I need your help. I completely forget to tell you last time." the voice sounds familiar, but Lou can't place her.

"whoever you are, I'm not waking up for some stupid shit." she closes her eye with her phone next to her ears.

"LOU! Wake up!" Debbie scream at her ears.

"Motherf.." Lou pulls her phone away and yelp. "what the hell. Deb?! How did you call me?" she rolls over and put her phone on the other ear.

"Just listen, I don't get much time." she tries to continue before Lou interrupts her. "what? You escaped prison?"

"Just listen, god." Lou can feel Debbie's eyes roll. "remember the old apartment we rent in New Jersey?"

"mhm." Lou sits up and yawns.

"can you move all my stuff to your place? I want it back when I'm out."

"err, I thought you move it all to your douche boyfriend." she's squinting her eyes.

"no, I left in a hurry, remember?" of course Lou remembers, she can't even stop her no matter what she said. 

"yeh." she answers lazily.

"Thanks." Debbie said softly.

"How much stuff you got?"

"a lot. You might need a truck."

"argh." Lou whines.

"hey, I got few more minutes before they cut me off." Debbie tells her. "what you want to talk about?"

"I don't know." Lou rely with a very loud yawn.

"did you not sleep at all?" she asks her.

"I did. Just very late."

"what you did?"

"I just stay in the club till sunrise."


"well... there was someone, but she left." Lou thought about the things she said to you.

"aww. Are you starting a relationship?" Debbie tease her.

"no. She works for me." there's a pause. "I mean she looks cute, but I just wanna sleep with her." another pause. "Maybe ... emm. Deb?" She looks at her phone and Debbie is already gone. Lou put her phone down and just lay in her bed. She stares at the ceiling blankly and just sigh.

Before Lou leaves for her trip, she has to make sure Kevin takes care of the club. "got it, boss." he answers her with a salute.

"You sure, kid?" she looks concerns.

"yes. Boss." Kevin keeps a straight face with his salute.

She sighs and look around. "where's the newbie?"

"she's not new anymore, you know?" Lou looks at him with a poker face. "... she's off today."

Lou gets her bag and ready to leave. "wait." Kevin stops her. "you're not gonna sleep with her, right?" she turns around and just stare at him. "I mean, if you break her heart, she might leave and I really don't want her to go." Kevin just keeps on going. "She is really good at her job and I need someone to help me."

"you done?" Lou find him really annoying. 'Jesus, he is worse than the women.'

"#JustSaying." Kevin points at her with both hands. He look like a real life meme.

Lou ignores him and walks out. She throws her bag in the back of the truck that she specially rented. She starts the engine and pause for a second. She realizes that she is doing this without hesitation, at all. Just like the old days, whatever Debbie suggests, Lou will throw herself in. 'it's pathetic.' She laughs at herself.

She sits in the truck as you walk towards the bar. She can see you carrying a bag of groceries in one hand and holding your phone at the other. Lou wonders why are you bringing food to the club. But that answers it when you pull out your keys and open the door next to her place. 'she really lives there?' Lou sit a bit forward and take a good look at the building. A bit old, but it won't collapse.

Lou just looks at you from a distance. You don't seem to notice her presence. You looking through your keys and try to figure out the correct one. But you aren't aware that someone is there and when he opens the door, it hits your head lightly. Ouch. Lou stares at you with amusement as you rub your head. She can see the guy tries to apologize and you accept it with a lovely smile. Lou also widens her smile when he left and you walk indoor with a pout face. 'how adorable.' She really should get moving. But she waited, she hopes you will come back down and maybe, maybe you'll see her. Eventually, it didn't happen. It was just a pure fantasy. 'maybe this is the last time for Deb.' Lou tells herself as she drives off and heading to New Jersey. 

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