The Stag's Questions

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Disclaimer: I don't own the vampire diaries only my OC, Sasha.

Originally Published: April 15, 2019

Edited: December 3, 2019


"You know my dear, I believe me and my family have only ever encountered the Guardians once in our long lifetime. They very rarely get involved in mortal affairs anymore. They're perfectly content to just observe. Why does this Ake want to help me and my family?" Elijah mused aloud as he drove them to his current apartment.

"I still don't believe this is really happening." Sasha responded grumpily from the passenger seat.

"You do yourself no favors by insisting this is a fantasy, my dear. It will just end badly for you." Elijah cautioned.

"Maybe I fell and hit my head and now I'm in a coma and dreaming this whole thing." Sasha mumbled to herself as she completely ignored Elijah.

"Miss Osborn I don't appreciate being disrespected please mind your manners." Elijah warned lowly.

"Or maybe I died and this is hell." Sasha continued theorizing to herself still ignoring Elijah.

Suddenly the car stopped violently and Sasha jerked in her seat and would have gone through the windshield if she hadn't been wearing her seat belt. Sasha turned to yell at Elijah but he was seemingly frozen as he was looking straight ahead and didn't seem to be breathing. Sasha looked at him a few moments before shrugging and moving to get out the car which she did. She didn't notice that her seat belt froze in a weird floating position after she stopped touching it as she scanned her surroundings for a way out. As she did this she did noticed something alarming the sun wasn't moving. The shadows did not move and the trees did not sway in the breeze and everything was deafeningly silent. It was creepy.

"Little bird, you are not helping yourself by being rude to Elijah." Ake tutted as he appeared out of nowhere next to her head.

"Gah!" Sasha shrieked as he startled her.

"You are supposed to be making his life better." Ake scolded.

"Excuse the fuck out of you, you asshole but I refuse to believe this is real. Elijah is fictional. Something I made up as a child. This. is. not. happening." Sasha growled.

"You really think that you could have made up all those stories I told you? Don't be foolish. Humans are much to simple-minded to have been that creative. Also didn't you think it was odd that you knew things like how to skin an animal without ever being taught by anyone who wasn't me, your supposedly imaginary friend?" Ake argued logically.

"I don't know how to skin an animal." Sasha countered back.

"Oh but you do, you dreamed it remember? Ask Elijah if what you dreamed was correct." Ake instructed and suddenly everything unfroze and Elijah drove on without Sasha in the car.

Until he noticed she was gone and turned quickly back around and headed back to Sasha was standing beside the road. Sasha didn't run knowing an aware Elijah would just catch her.

"How did you get out the car?" Elijah asks her sounding perturbed as he gets out to shuffle her back in the passenger seat before flashing back to the driver's seat.

"Ake stopped time I think and I just got out the normal way by opening the door and climbing out. He scolded me then restarted time and here we are." Sasha explained sounding baffled.

"This can't be...tell me Elijah how do you skin an animal?" Sasha questioned seriously.

Elijah gave her a bemused look but answered and Sasha was stunned to realize how he described it was how she dreamed it. That was impossible. She couldn't's not too difficult a concept maybe she just guessed correctly. She'd ask a harder question. She described a very complicated and convoluted Viking tradition that Ake had told her about and that she dreamed, she asked if she was correct.

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