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Darkness surrounded me, moonlight pooling on the floor. A rustle of feathers from sleeping prisoners, a quiet snore from those who are dreaming, all else left quiet. Every little detail of the wall, memorized. I wince as pain shoots through my left shoulder, reminding me of the painful injury given to me earlier in the day, taking away my ability to fly ever again. A soft orange glow shines from the entrance to my cell, signaling someone is there.

"Hey Loki, look at me." The soft, quiet voice of a woman fills the silence in the halls. I look back, my piercing green eyes meet with harsh silver eyes. "Follow me." She opens the cell door, beckoning for me to follow. "And hide your wings, we don't want to risk any loose feathers falling off." I approach the entrance to the cage and peer out, spotting the woman down the hall, her eyes staring into my soul.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time." I step out into the damp hall, the light from her candle being the only light source. Cracks and moss covering the brick walls. I fold my wings and concentrate my magic to them, causing them to disappear as I walk down the hall, quickly but quietly as to not disturb those who sleep. She continues to move forward, not even waiting for me to catch up. She stops in one of the various corners and pulls out a cluster of bricks, much like a door without hinges, to reveal a hidden tunnel.

"Go in,Fandral will meet you on the other side." I slowly inch my way inside, finding it darker than the dungeons. I look back to see the light of the candle fading as the bricks are slid back into place. Left in darkness I crawl forward, finding the tunnel slopes upward. The tunnel goes on forever, no light in sight.

Suddenly my head bumps into a wall, nudging it forward a little. The bricks begin to shift, being pulled out one by one revealing the bricky pattern as moonlight spills into the passage. I crawl out to see a blonde haired man with a perfectly crafted beard and mustache crouching beside the hole. He shifts the bricks back into place and stands up, offering his hand to me.

"Hello, I am Fandral." He proclaims proudly with a smile. I grip his hand firmly, accepting the handshake. "Come with me, I'll get you out safely"

He beckons and begins walking towards the docks, sticking to the treelines. I follow closely, not wanting to get lost among the trees. The docks slowly come into view and the silhouette of a man steps out from behind the nearby buildings. Fandral heads into the direction of the man, his figure becoming clearer as we get closer, revealing himself to be Heimdall.

"Ah, good, I thought you might have gotten lost along the way." Heimdall's bright orange eyes glitter as a smile finds its way to his face. He turns and beckons for me to follow, Fandral turning the other way.

Heimdall leads me into his home, soft, white carpets on the floors and the walls painted baby blue. He leads me down the hallway, which has four white doors with gold handles. Once he reaches the end of the hall he pulls back the carpet to reveal a trap door, in which he proceeds to open. A long staircase descends down into darkness, no end in sight.

"Go down these stairs, they will lead you to the house of an angel named Terra, whom resides on Earth. She is one of many angels on Earth who will be there to help you." I look doubtfully into the hole before taking my first step inside, descending the steps one by one, allowing darkness to flow around me. The click of the trapdoor affirms that I cannot turn back, the light now disappearing completely, plunging me into the darkest darkness.

I descend for what feels like hours before a light finally illuminates the stairs bellow. I move a little faster, the light giving me hope. As I reach the end of the stairs I come upon an open door, the sound of birds reaching my ears.

Beyond the door lies a room with mahogany flooring and peach walls. A black couch sits in the center of the room with a matching table in front of it. I also notice a large thin black box that sits on the wall, reflecting the light from outside. Large windows that reach from the floor to ceiling cover the opposite wall, revealing the forest beyond as light from the rising sun spills golden light into the room.

I peer around the door frame to my left to see three black bar stools along a black marble topped bar. A woman looks up at me from behind the bar, her deep green eyes matching my emerald ones. Her short curly brown hair held up in a ponytail, her tan skin shimmering in the sunlight. She turns off the water and wipes her hands on a towel sitting on the counter.

"Hello Loki, welcome to Earth. This is my house and you will be staying here while I teach you some things you need to understand." She nudges me to the side and closes the door. "I will also help you move in with your new roommate I found for you and I will help you find a job as well."


Light shines into my room from the window. I look up from my desk. Its morning already? Sleep has escaped me as I've searched for any clues as to where Loki could have gone. He went missing from his cell four days ago and there has still been no sign of him.

It's time for me to confide in my friend. Loki had to have escaped to the human realm and there was already a group of angels ready to go searching for him. If he's on Earth I have to warn him. I pack up my bag and slip out into the living room, bag slung over my shoulder. Snoring emanates from my parents room, confirming that my father is still asleep. Once I reach the front door a soft voice reaches my ears.

"And where are you going, Thor?"

I turn around to see Freya, her brown hair brushed and resting over her shoulder, showing she has been up for a while. "I was just going for a walk."

"And taking a backpack with you? That must be a long walk you're taking." She takes a few steps closer, her baby blue dress brushing against the floor, wings hidden.

"Well yeah, never know when I wanna go camping."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "Thor, this has to do with Loki doesn't it? I know you haven't been sleeping well trying to figure out where he could have gone. You're not very good at hiding it."

I smile sheepishly as I rub the back of my head. "You caught me. I was going to ask Heimdall if he knew anything and even if he didn't I wanted to go to Earth to try and find him myself."

"Okay, I'll let you go, and I won't tell anyone. Just promise that if you find Loki you will protect him." I nod, reinvigorated.

"Yes ma'am!" I turn and walk out the door, closing it behind me. I walk down the path, passing many houses along the way. As the docks come into view I speed up, my hopes high.

I slow down as I reach the docks, the sun rising over the water creating an orange hue. I turn towards Heimdall's house to see him already stepping outside.

"Heimdall!" I yell as I rush over, a smile plastered across my face. "Heimdall, I was hoping you could help me with something."

Heimdall turns back to his door, beckoning for me to follow him inside. "Let's not discuss that out here."

I step inside to the clean pristine house, everything glowing yellow with the sunlight pouring on through the kitchen window. Heimdall offers me a seat but I decline. "Heimdall, I was wondering if you know anything about Loki. I feel like he's on Earth but I wanted to make sure."

"I cannot tell you where he is but I can assure you he is safe on Earth."

"Then is there anyone who can tell me where he is?" I can tell Heimdall senses my concern, and with that he takes a deep breath.

"No, there is no one who can tell you where he is but I do know someone who can help you blend in with human society and maybe help you in the right direction." He turns to go down the hall. "Come"

He places his right hand on the furthest door on the left, causing a white glow around his hand before it disappears. He proceeds to open the door revealing a dark corridor with a matching white door on the other end. "In the other end you will find yourself on Earth, should you ever find the need to come back my friend will be able to help."

I step into the doorway, peering into the darkness. "How will they know I'm there?"

"I'll make sure he knows." I take a few steps forward and the door shuts immediately behind me, leaving me in complete darkness. Here we go...

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