Chapter 4

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Weeks go by uneventful. Students are out of school for summer vacation so work at the café has been busier lately. The hot sun bores down my neck as I head down the sidewalk to the bus stop like I do every Tuesday morning at eleven. As I get there I see the same man as usual.

"You have a dog right?" I look over to the man who is now looking at me.

"Yes, why?" I say, caution in my voice.

He smiles. "I've seen you walk your dog around here in the mornings. He seems like a good dog. A very nice dog."

I look at him suspicious.

"Oh don't worry. I'm just very observant." He holds out a hand. "The name is Doctor Strange."

I take his hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you, I'm Loki."

The bus pulls up, interrupting our conversation. I pull myself onto the bus, sitting into my normal seat. My day falls back into its normal routine, nothing else breaking it. I go to work at the café, I go home, get ready to go to the dance studio, and head out. The next three hours go by quickly, nothing too special happening.

Once everyone is gone I gather up my stuff, ready to leave when I hear the thumping of someone running up the stairs. Victoria appears in the doorway, panting with her hand resting on the doorframe.

"Excuse me, my uncle said he would like to meet you." She says, pausing between each word to take a deep breath.

I look away her perplexed. "Is there a specific reason?"

She beams up at me. "I have no idea, he just said that he wants to meet you cuz he's never met you in person."

"Okay, I'll go meet him." I follow her down the stairs and out the door. As we get outside I see the man from the mornings, Doctor Strange.

"Uncle Strange, this is my dance instructor, Mister Loki."

He holds out his hand for a hand shake and I take it. "Hello Loki, it's good to see you again. If I'm going to be honest I didn't expect you to be her dance instructor, you don't seem like that type."

Victoria looks between us. "You two know each other?"

I look down at her. "Kind of. We met at the bus stop this morning."

"Really? Wow." She hops into the front seat of the black car next to us.

Doctor Strange walks around the car to the drivers side. "Well, I must get going, Victoria does need to get home for bed." He opens the car door and begins to get inside before peering over the top of the car again. "Do you drive?"

I shake my head.

"Hop into the backseat, I would love to talk to you for a bit and considering you go to the same bus stop I do in the mornings you live near me." I look at him suspicious. "I'm not going to murder you so don't be too concerned." He gets into the car and starts the engine, closing the door after him.

I roll my eyes, giving in and hopping into the back. He drives down the street, passing many buildings, getting closer to my apartment complex. About a block down from my apartments he turns into a very nice, gated off, apartment complex. The driveway is mostly under the building, the walls being an off white while the roof is a very dark grey. He drives under the building, pulling into a parking spot with a sign that says Stephen Strange in front of it.

I slowly follow them out of the car, still slightly unsure of myself. I follow them up the nearby stairs up to the third floor, then down the hall to a black door with a silver 177 on it. Strange inserts a key into the lock and opens the door in one fluid motion. The door opens up to a nice living room with white walls and black carpet. Grey couches sit across from a flat screen tv resting on the left wall next to a hallway. The coffee table in front of the couches is stainless steel with a blue glass top. On the left is a white door near the front door, presumably a closet, and the rest of the left wall opens up into the kitchen.

Shattered Wings (Avengers Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant