Chapter Two:

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You look confused around the room and yell, getting angry, "Hey! I don't know who you are, but you had better let me out! Take these chains off of me- immediately, I demand it!" You quickly stop yelling and calm down, remembering that you've had training for this exact scenario in POINT. You take the roll of gauze and walk over to the mirror. You gasp as you take off the old gauze, revealing your head wound. You throw it on the floor and wrap the new gauze around, tightly. You glide over to the bed and sit there silently, with your legs crossed, calm and composed. Well- on the outside; on the inside you are panicking. Knowing it's hopeless to try to escape, all you can do is sit there and wait. You close your eyes and maintain an emotionless expression, while you continue to think of ways to escape- or survive if it comes to that. You heard the door open, but remain dormant, with your eyes closed. Two sets of footsteps approach you.

"AHEM." You hear in a little girl voice. You open your eyes to see the mouse girl, holding a gun almost as big as her, followed by a normal Darrel bot. Were you in Boxmore? "Come with us- and don't try anything funny! We know who you are y/n, and know your tricks." The girl says, pointing her gun a at you. The Darrel bot took rope and tied it around your hands in front of you. You knew not to struggle. As much as you wanted to freak out, you remained calm and silent. She gestured to the bedpost with her gun where your collard was tied to, and the robot unlocked the chain from the bed and led you behind him, following the mouse girl down the hall. You were definitely not in Boxmore. This place was really nice. The girl led you both to a door with the word "caution" on it. She stopped and put on a almost hazmat like suit, and walked in, Darrel and you following behind. You started to sweat and concern.

"I understand that Darrel is a robot but I'm organic life, shouldn't I need one too?" You thought to yourself. With a nervous sweat, you were led to a smaller room, with one wall being a mirror. Being hind them a y'all, slender form came out, also wearing a hazmat suit. The little window for the face was too reflective, so he/she was unrecognizable.

"Fink, leave." It said, and patted the mouse's head on her was out. "You are dismissed Darrel bot." It's voice was also too unrecognizable- the suit created too much of a voice filter. The door closes behind him as Darrel leaves. It takes the chains off your collar and steps back and puts its hands behind its back and speaks. "Strip." Your eyes widen as you take a step back, shaking your head, not saying a word. It repeats itself- "Strip- now. You have until I get to the other side of the one way mirror." You hold your tied up hands out, gesturing towards them. "As yes, almost forgot." It finishes untying the ropes and leaves. You contemplate. You stand there, still and silent, scared for your life. You hear the voice over some speakers in the ceiling. "Don't be stupid, y/n. Strip, or else- " You can hear the voice getting angrier.

"Or else what?" You cut them off. Tired of all their shit you get angry and walk up to the mirror. "What are you going to do about it? You know I can kick your ass-" you cut off yourself as you start to punch the glass. The first punch makes a small scratch. You go for a second one, making larger cracks. You take one last punch, shattering the entire mirror. You hold up your bloodily fist and look at them with a grin. "Or else what?" You ask.

"That was quite impressive y/n. I wanted to test you to see how you get your powers, but it's clear you'd just destroy the rest of my lab!" It says normal, then gets angrier. "But no worries, I prepared for this." He says calmly and yells into a walk-in talkie. "Fink! Turn on the gas!"

"The gas- no no no." You yell. "Fink! Do NOT turn on the gas!" You take steps backwards and bump into the wall, sliding down to the ground as you start feeling dizzy and disoriented it walks through the opening of the shattered one way mirror towards you. It snaps a breathing mask onto your mouth and nose.

"You're defenseless enough, let's go. Fink, clear the room." It says into the walkie as it picks you up and hoists you over its shoulder. You dangle there, half lidded and motionless. It brings you to an office like room and places you in a chair. It exits the room as four Darrel bots enter with chains, chaining you to the chair. After about 15 minutes of recovering from the gas, you sit there struggling to escape and free yourself. The mouse girl, who I can only assume if Fink runs into the room on all fours and pulls out the chair of the desk in front of you. She is followed by a tall slender form, who I can also assume is the same one as before. To your surprise, it was just the super villain Professor Venomous!

"Professor, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You say in a calm, collected voice, looking him in the eye with a displeased expression.

"Y/n, as I said before I want to know more about your powers- the are quite intriguing." He says , quite pleased with himself. "For now I just want to talk. Ask you some questions..."

"You're not getting anything out of me. I don't want to say anything that will give you any advantage over me." You say, giving him a mean and nasty look. Maintaining his please face, he starts writing things down on his clipboard. "Hey- what are you writing?"

"Nothing, just some comments. You are stubborn, aren't you?"

"Not really, but forgive me for not wanting to reveal things about myself to someone I don't trust."

"Someone you don't trust? That's a shame. I haven't hurt you yet, have I?"

"Your robot knocked me out and left this bloody mess on my head. You made me breathe in what I can assume is hazardous gas and almost knocked me out again."

"Good point." He says smiling, writing more things down. You struggle to get out of your chains. "Maybe not stubborn, but persistent." He says with a grin. He quickly shifts his smile to a serious expression. "However just know that if you dare try to escape, I'll come after you myself."

"You flatter me, Professor. You don't look like a man who'd chase after any woman himself." I snapped back. He grinned back at me,

"I'll make an exception for you." After an hour and a half of trying to get answers out of you he ends up getting frustrated and bangs his fists on the table. "Get her out of my sight, I'm done." He says composed but frustrated as hell. Darrel bots just lift up the chair and take you back to the room you woke up in before. Professor Venomous stops by before closing the door. "Not many of us dare to speak so honestly, y/n. I'll give you that. I suppose.. integrity?" He quietly closes the door without locking it. You smirk and snicker to yourself, thinking about what he just said. After sitting in there for hours you drift asleep. After a quick 3 hour nap you wake up and struggle to get it of the chains. Somehow you managed to slip out of the chains relatively easily. You thought to yourself.

"That was way too easy..." you slowly open up the door you peer down the halls both ways, seeing out the window that it's night time. The door was unlocked, it almost seemed like he wanted you to escape. You quietly close the door on your way out and make your way over to the window. You can't find a way to open it... so you just fuck it and stand back ten feet, you run towards the window and gain speed as you lunge yourself through the window, breaking it with your foot making a loud crash. Alarms start to sound and a red light starts flashing. You start running down his long driveway and go to reach for your phone to summon your car but remembered that they must have taken it. The just decided to run down the street to somewhere safe, good thing you're very quick in your feet. You reach the city and hide behind a building in an alley and lean up against the brick, sliding down to sit, panting. Your head weighs your neck down as you sit there in shock, recovering from your kidnapping. "Shit... I could have died..." you say to yourself silently and wide eyed.  You stand up and decided to run home, you still didn't feel safe... 

Professor Venomous x Reader: Clandestine IntimacyWhere stories live. Discover now