Chapter Three:

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You got home and decided to just call it a night and wait until to the morning to assess the situation. You wake up in the morning and stop to get coffee on your way to work at POINT Academy. You park your car and immediately are bombarded by the other professors. "Y/n! Are you alright?! We were worried sick about you- after you didn't show up for your last class we went to look for you but we couldn't track you down anywhere-" Sunshine is cut off by Foxtail.

    "What happened to you?" Are you alright? What happened to your head?" She questions. They all look at me with concern.

    "Fortunately, I'm fine. I was at the plaza and got knocked out, leaving my head covered in blood." You explained the rest to them about what happened and how you escaped, leaving out some parts, like his asking you to strip.

    "We're glad you're okay, y/n. We should discuss this later. If you are well enough, class if about to start." Foxtail said. You nodded and proceeded to class with your coffee. You got to your class and went through the day like normal, telling your story to all of your classes. Again, leaving out the stripping part. For almost two weeks you went about your normally schedule, but more on edge after being kidnapped. You were scared. One day, during a lesson, you got a call, from Lakewood plaza once again to come help fight. You were terrified to go back there, but sucked it up and quickly arrived. Duty calls, after all. You arrived to see Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous lounging around in lawn chairs, watching fink on a motorcycle and Boxman's robots fight Enid, the alien boy and Carol's son, K.O. You stepped back, fearing Venomous. You watch him as he notices you and sits up, waving at you with a slight smile, his sunglasses sliding down his nose.

    "What kind of fucking game does he think this is..." You think to yourself with anger and fear. Nevertheless, you are a member of POINT. You must be brave and fearless when faced with evil. You go down to take down one of the robot, and easily break one of the Raymond bots, with your fist going through him, causing him to explode. Another one instantly spawns out of a box from the sky and you end it with a kick just as quick you it emerged. You looked over to Professor Venomous, to find him staring at you. He quickly looks away and takes a drink though his straw. You quickly look away as well, your face growing slightly red. You take out a few more robots with K.O. and the other teenagers, as they never seemed to stop coming from boxes from the sky. K.O. was focusing on fighting Fink the whole time. You look over and stare at Professor Venomous. He quickly looks over as you catch each other looking. You both quickly turn your heads. After a minute you found your gaze drifting over to him. You make clear eye contact but neither of you break it this time. You stand there, slowly lowering your fists and lowering your guard. A smile starts to creep on your face. Before it could form, you were suddenly hit hard by Fink's motorcycle. You fall to the ground, but quickly spring up and destroy the motorcycle, sending Fink flying to Boxman and Professor Venomous. The other tree take care of the rest, sending them all flying back to Boxmore.

    "Thanks a lot for you help, y/n!" K.O. says with a smile, looking up to me. I pat his head,

    "Hey no problem kiddos- don't hesitate to call if you need help again! Bye!" You yell to them as you run to your car, heroically jumping into your convertible. The rest of the day you kept thinking about him, and what he said to you. Why did he keep staring at you? Why couldn't you keep your eyes off of him? A few days later the same thing happens- but you are called to the city. Once again it was Boxman and Venomous wreaking havoc. You quickly arrive and see that a giant Darrel bot was destroying the city as Boxman and Venomous yielded large canon like guns that shot- pies? You exchange awkward eye contact with professor Venomous again. You looked in confusion until Boxman noticed your arrival and shot you with one. To your surprise, it sent you flying back, into a building. You recover quickly and spring into action, hurling a kick his way. He shoots you with more pies and manages to take you out. He continues to shoot pies at anyone he sees, laughing with Professor Venomous. You look up to see Professor Venomous, looking and laughing at you, covered in blueberry pie filling. You shake some off of your hands and wipe some off of your face as you glare back at him. Fink shoots you right in the face with a cherry pie. It slowly slides down your face as you use your arm to wipe it off. Boxman and Fink continue to shoot pies everywhere while Venomous stands there bent over with his hands on his knees, laughing. With rage building inside of you, you run over and tackle him while his guard is down. You both roll on top of each other behind a building until you land on top, pinning him down. He looks you in the eye with a light smile. "Why do you keep staring at me? What's your angle?" You question him with a serious expression. He quickly grabs your waist and rolls you over, with him on top and pinning you down. Your face is overcome with a shade of pink as he holds you down, staring down into your eyes. His smiles going away as he speaks.

    "What do you mean? You keep staring at me?" You roll back on top.

    "Only because you are looking at me you creep!" You guy wrestle and keep rolling around until you roll onto the pie covered street, and realize they had all left and the fight was over. You both stand up, composing yourselves like nothing had happened and walked in your separate directions. You summoned you car and jumped into it. You looked over to Venomous to see him looking at you again. How much could he be looking at you when you don't notice? He quickly turns around and gets onto his bike and drives away. You get home to cook yourself dinner and sit down at the table, staring at your food and playing with it. You never actually ate it. You just say there, poking it with a fork, thinking about Venomous. Wondering what it was about him, and why you couldn't get your mind off of him. You wrapped up your plate and stuck it in the fridge and went to bed.

Venomous P.O.V.

    I have no idea what came over me today. Normally i would have eradicated that wretched hero- by I didn't. Why didn't I take her down? I sat there next to fink that the table, rolling my meatballs around my pasta with my fork. I decided I wasn't hungry. I couldn't eat- I don't know why. I kept finding myself looking at her. "You gonna finish that, boss?" Fink asked, slurping up the last of her noodles. I slid my plate over to her and got up, patting her head as I left to my room to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep. I had this feeling, and I hated it. I rolled over in my bed many time, trying to get comfy, but couldn't. I was restless. How such a heroic woman catch my eye. Surly I am not developing feelings... shit. There was just something about her. So assertive and... cute. NOT CUTE DAMN! Did I really just think she is cute? I don't have feelings towards her or anyone else.

"GET YOU OF MY HEAD Y/N!!!" I actually yell as I cover my ears. "Shit..." I say as I attempt to sleep. I The only thing I feel for this woman is hatred. I am sure of it.  The only cute thing about her is that she thinks she can get the best of me- that's just adorable.

Your P.O.V.

    You roll around your bed restlessly, thinking about...him. "He's so evil and filled with hatred. I couldn't possibly want someone like that... He did kidnap me and injure my head after all, I'm sure he's just being weary of me. That's why he was looking. But why did I keep looking at him? To make sure he doesn't try and take me again or something. Yes that's it..." You convinced yourself enough to let yourself rest easy for the rest of the night, well until you managed to fall asleep.

Professor Venomous x Reader: Clandestine IntimacyWhere stories live. Discover now