Chapter Four:

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Y/N P.O.V.

Today was Saturday, my first day off for the weekend. Today I decided I was just going to clear my head and train, starting with a simple jog around the city with my earbuds in, listening to my favorite song. I turn the corner in the city and fall to the ground from an explosion, rumbling through the earth. I quickly jump back up and run another block to see none other than Professor Venomous controlling a giant Boxmore robot with Lord Boxman. He quickly catches me standing there and becomes determined to destroy me. He locks onto me and shoots a laser beam at me. The beam chases me as I try to out run it. It catches up to me and takes me down. I bring up my phone, requesting back up and I run behind a building while the smoke clears as to not be caught. "There's no way I can take them down alone," I think to myself. I walk down the alley, thinking I can sneak away behind the building.

Your P.O.V.

Right when you turn the corner you are met by a blockade and fell to the ground. You look up. "V- Venomous?!" You yell and you scoot back, pushing yourself away from him with your legs.

"Y/n i-it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He held out his hand to you with the other behind his back. You slap it and stand up yourself.

"Forgive me for not trusting you, leather skin!" You snap at him. He hisses back at you and glares. You step back again as he starts to approach you. He quickly grabs your shoulders and pins you against the wall of a building. You gasp in reaction, feeling scared again. Venomous stares you straight in the eyes, on the a few inches away from your face.

"I just want to talk, y/n." You squint at him, but say nothing. "I have been hating myself lately, all because of a feeling I hate but cannot contain. I hate you. Very much so. But tell me- I want to know... if you feel anything other than contempt for me?" He spoke slowly and clearly. Your face starts turning a shade of red. You cleared your throat.

"As do I hate you. Contempt is all I hold for people like you!" You spat at him.

"I thought you'd might say that-" he grabs your waist and thrusts himself towards you, bringing you into an intense, rough kiss. He keeps his eyes squeezed shut as you stare at him, wide-eyed and shocked. You thought to yourself for a quick moment and you closed your eyes as you slowly wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you. You embrace each other as your soft lips entwine. Venomous is hesitant to pull away. You place your hand on his chest, almost pushing him away as you both gasp for air. He keeps looking you in the eye while you look up to him, both of you pant lightly for a few seconds, recovering from that tiring and intense moment of pure bliss. He cups your cheek and licks his lips before going in for another one, but you quickly grab his hand, and push him away by his chest. You look down at the ground while he still looks at you.

"This is wrong." You say firmly but quietly. Venomous quickly lets go of you.

"I know." He says, stepping back and looking down as well. You both stand there looking at the concrete, silent, as explosions go off in the background. You finally look up to look at him to find that he had already been staring at you. He really couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He looks away looking defeated. "Y/n, I-" You tackle him to the ground straddling his slender form on the ground. He turns a shade of red as you grab his cheeks and crash you lips into his. Your lips intertwined as you let out small moans here and there. You sit up a bit and he give you a devilish smile. As you return the smile he roughly grabs your waist and forces you down to him. Venomous claws your back as you guys roll round on the ground, like before. It ended with Venomous on top. He pulled away just to look at you again. "You're so red!" He says with a sexy tone as he collides with your lips. As you open your mouth to let out a small moan, his tongue slips into your mouth. You opened your eyes for a second in reaction to the surprise. You allow his tongue to explore every inch of your mouth. You got hotter and hotter as his long, forked tongue scrutinized your mouth and tongue. He licked your tongue as you tried to enter his mouth. You manage to push your way past his lips and into his mouth. It wasn't long after first entering his mouth that you Pricked you tongue on his sharp, pointed teeth. You jumped in reaction. Venomous just pushed your tongue back into your mouth along with his. You licked up the drool dripping from his mouth and he did the same before forcing his tongue back into your mouth. You both just became a moaning mess until you pushed him away, slipping out from under him. You stood up and held your hand out to him.

"Venomous, let's go!" He gladly take your hand as you both run off, almost giggling. You lead him to your car and close the top so no one will see you two. You open the driver's door for him and get in after, straddling him in the driver's seat. "Where do you want to go?" You ask him, impatiently. "I don't care- let's just go to my house!" He says before bringing you into a sloppy kiss. You push away as tell your car,

"Bring me to Professor Venomous' lab!" You say as quickly as possible before you return to your hot makeout session. You wrap your arms around his neck and tightly embrace his as he wraps more of his snake tongue around yours. He starts licking and nibbling on your bottom lip as you let out small moans. He starts trailing down your lip to your chin, going into your neck, breathing his hot air on your tingly skin. He searches for your sweet spot and knew he found it when you gripped tighter, letting out louder moans. He sinks his fangs into your sweet spot, drawing blood and licking it up with his slithery, wet tongue. He lingers on it for a while, biting it and sucking in it. Venomous starts trailing his tongue down near your cleavage before the car come to a halt. He hops out, holding you bridal style as he runs in. He runs in and yells to Fink, playing videos game on the couch, but maintaining eye contact with you. She doesn't turn around to look at him to notice him holding you.

"Fink, go practice your scales, as loud as you can."

"But boss-"

"As loud as you can!" he repeats, as he carries you up the stairs, running. You look deep into his snake like eyes that had developed into slits.

"I'll be doing different kinds scales of my own as loud as I can." You whisper to him seductively with a smile as he kicks his door open, leaving us exposed to the rest of the house and throws me on his neatly made bed. 

Professor Venomous x Reader: Clandestine IntimacyWhere stories live. Discover now