Chapter 10

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After the filming began again, Jimin did not go in to observe. He just opted to stay in the lounge playing games on his mobile phone. Who would be willing to be judged by curious observers during such a private event where everything was laid bare?

Jimincould only imagine how, a few hours from now, he was also going to be like that. He would be like a frog in a biology class, his two legs stretched open, lying on the bed, surrounded by onlookers—the mere thought made him feel uncomfortable.

He pushed his hand into his backpack and took out a small yellow box of pills.  

This box of medicine was given to him and Jin Hwan, and he heard that there was an aphrodisiac effect to it. He hesitated, and then took out two pills and stuffed them into his pocket.  

A knock sounded at the door of the lounge. Jimin turned and saw the makeup artist push the door open and come in smiling.

"Hey, are you nervous?" She heartily greeted him.

"A little," Jimin smiled and then asked, "Are they finished?"

"Well, it seems that despite all of the time they've spent, the Director is not very satisfied at the end, so he's waiting to see what you and Jung Kook are like."

Jimin was stunned, and his face was thrown into disarray. Look and see what he and Jung Kook are like...

"You don't have to be nervous, just leave everything to Jung Kook. Jung Kook is very strong."

The make-up artist continued to chat while trimming his eyebrows, but Jimin simply gave up trying to talk to her. "Your skin is very good, what do you usually do for maintenance?" Despite Jimin's silence, the makeup artist still continued to search for a topic of conversation.

"I don't do any maintenance." Jimin told the truth.

"It must be because you're so young then, you're still a college student, right?"

"...I am 30."  

The makeup artist stopped in the middle of what she was doing, her eyes wide open with surprise. Before she could voice her surprise, they heard someone speak lightly from the entrance, "Oh, you're already ."

Jimin and the makeup artist both looked back and saw Jung Kook, both hands crossed over his chest, his whole frame lazily leaning against the door frame.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop when others are talking," Jimin could not help uttering. Jung Kook slowly entered the room, looking at Jimin while the corner of his mouth slowly curved up in disdain, "Thank you."

"......" Jimin decided that he would never speak to the man again.

"Wow, you don't look that old at all," exclaimed the makeup artist, who was still very surprised. She could not help touching Jimin's face a couple times, and then turned to Jung Kook said, "Why did you come in so early? I'm going to be 10 minutes here."

"I'll just wait here." Jung Kook responded. The corners of Jimin's mouth twitched, but he decided to ignore Jung Kook's existence and just closed his eyes. The makeup artist quickly applied his makeup, which mostly involved using powder in areas that easily became oily like the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. After that she cheerfully patted him, "Well then, please take off your coat, I want to apply some concealer." 

Jimin froze for a moment, and then immediately snuck a concerned look towards Jung Kook. The other party was looking back, with no attempt to disguise his intention to watch.  

Take off, this grandfather is not afraid of you! Jimin quickly slid off his coat as he cheered for himself. The makeup artist immediately leaned over and carefully examined him front and back, and used concealer to cover up a couple acne scars.

"Don't make the powder too thick," Jung Kook demanded, "I do not want to lick him and end up with my mouth full of it." 

"Rest assured, Jimin's skin is better than a woman's, there is hardly any need to powder," the makeup artist replied.

...I'm still here, okay? Jimin thought silently.

"Please change into this underwear." After finishing up with the concealer on his back, the makeup artist handed him a small piece of clothing. Jimin spread it out, and found it was pair of a tight white briefs.

"Then I'll go to the toilet." He said as he stood up.

"Ah, you can just change here, and I will help you trim your pubic hair," the makeup artist instructed without a trace of embarrassment. 

Jimin was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Jung Kook; the other party showing a rare, uncomfortable expression as he casually avoided eye contact. 

"Wasn't I supposed to have all of my hair shaved off..." he asked. His question was just finished, and immediately he realized what happened. This bastard!

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