Chapter 25

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Jimin was caught in a dilemma.

He could feel that, since that night, he and Jung Kook had been surrounded by a markedly different atmosphere. They still got along just as well as before, and they had not even changed their conversations, but the feeling was completely different. It was almost as if they had suddenly entered a new state of communication—just like husband and wife.

Jimin was well aware that he had caused Jung Kook to have such a misunderstanding, because that night he did not refuse his confession. With regard to the reason why he did not reject him, Jimin did not fully understand his own feelings on the matter. Maybe that was because if he analyzed it carefully, he would be accused of 'using Jung Kook', and he was still unable to admit that he was such a tragic man.

Jung Kook was really good to him. Such goodness was not carefully calculated or reserved, but rather awkward. It was as if Jung Kook wanted to take every good thing he could and place it in front if Jimin.

However, for Jimin, this treatment was Jung Kook repaying a debt of kindness like a cat would.

A cat would select the best of their most precious things and drag them to the people they wanted to repay. Unfortunately, they do not need these dead cockroaches and geckos—it was all just garbage.

Jimin knew that the crux of the issue lay with himself.

He could figure out the reason why 100 men and women associated, but he could not even think of one reason for the love between two men. He could not deny that he was very fond of Jung Kook, and even enjoyed having sex with him. However, was this feeling the 'love' that should exist between lovers?

He was unable say so himself.

The previous few days, he also seriously thought about what kind of method he could use to tactfully hint to Jung Kook that he no longer desired to have contact. He needed to make it clear that he did not want to associate with men.

He thought of countless ways, but in the end he never implemented a single one.

Jimin knew very well that if he did, he and Jung Kook may no longer be friends. They still had to work together to make more films, and if the relationship between them went sour it could affect filming. That would not benefit either of them.

He persuaded himself with such an excuse, and conceived an escape. Once the films were finished, he would lay all his cards on the table for Jung Kook and then leave Seoul. From then on, the two men would separate completely.

Jimin resolutely planned out this scheme, but his determination was shaken on that day.

That night, after dinner, Jung Kook proposed that they should take the dog out for a walk. Jimin originally wanted to refuse, but the reality was that he and Jung Kook did not have much time off remaining before filming started up again. In addition, the image of Jung Kook holding that pudgy little furball and two sets of begging eyes staring up at him softened his heart, so he agreed.

At night, pedestrians strolled down the road in twos and threes. Jung Kook wanted hold Jimin's hand, but Jimin quickly shoved his hand into his pocket. He forgot to consider that Jung Kook was not somebody who was easy to deal with. The next second, Jung Kook's hand also followed and was placed inside Jimin's pocket.

"... What are you doing?" Jimin managed to ask after being rendered momentarily speechless.

Jung Kook calmly replied, "My hands will get cold."

...Utter nonsense. Jimin's hand that was in his pocket was swiftly enveloped by Jung Kook's large, warm hand. Within the next moment, Jung Kook frowned and asked, "How is your hand so cold?"

Jimin had no time to answer before Jung Kook's scarf was wrapped around his neck.

"...I thought you just said you were going to be cold?

"I only have cold hands," quibbled Jung Kook with an expressionless face.

Jimin ignored him completely. The two men walked a few steps before Jimin stopped and squatted down under the pretense of tying his shoelaces, thereby forcing Jung Kook's hand out of his pocket.

Jung Kook was not too concerned, but instead asked him with great interest, "Do you have anywhere in particular you want to go?"

Jimin hought for a while before he answered, "Japan."

When filming came to an end, he wanted to fly to Japan, bring some clothes back, and run a small clothing store. Opening a clothing store was still his dream. He did not want to give up simply because of the ruined relationship between he and Tae Min.

Jimin's answer seemed to be outside of Jung Kook's expectations. After a short pause, Jung Kook mused, "This year is probably too late, so next year let's go together."

This sentence pressured Jimin into silence.

Jimin realized at this time how much he had been mentally escaping from the situation. Jung Kook had already planned him into the blueprint of his future, but he thought only of how to get rid of him.

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