Chapter 3 - Progress

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A note from the author.

Hey, guys! I feel like I rushed things a bit. I mean, Nejire confessed to Izuku on the SECOND chapter! So I don't know how I'm going to be handling things from this point on. I don't think I'm gonna turn this into a lemon series, but I'll keep it in mind. As always, thank you for choosing my fanfic!

Izuku and Nejire just stood there in a moment of calm while they were hugging after Nejire's confession to Midoriya. It was sunny, after school, there was a light breeze in the air and it was almost as if the atmosphere set the mood to be perfect.

Behind them were creeping Tamaki and Mirio, as they noticed how Nejire had been following a certain green haired underclassmen recently. Normally, Mirio would swoop in, killing the moment as Tamaki would follow up behind him, but they knew that they would regret it if they interfered this time, because if they did, Nejire would not let them go unpunished.

Tomorrow, though, things were different. It was lunch time, and as usual, 'The Big Three' sat together at one table. Mirio, like always, decided to tease Nejire. It started like a normal trio conversation.
-"Hey, Tamaki, did anything interesting happen to you yesterday?" he pretended and gave a wink to Tamaki.
Tamaki, understanding this, replied:
-"Oh, no, just my boring life as it is..." he said in his monotoned voice.
-"Well, what about you, Nejire? Hhmmm?" Mirio gave her his plain smirk.
Nejire, at first, put her index finger on her chin and looked up, clearly trying to remember the events that had occurred yesterday. And suddenly, she completely changed her face, from thinking to happy, and looked at the two with a fake smile:
-"No, I don't think so..." she pretended.
The boys, clearly knowing, decided to push her a bit(and maybe even step over the line):
-"Has anything happened between you and Midoriya, by any chance?" They were taking a huge risk.

The bluenette suddenly dropped her chop sticks as she looked at them with a face they had never seen during their 9 years of friendship.
-"Mind repeating that?" she looked at the blonde with wide eyes and an uncomfortable smile.
-"Uhhhh, yes, I was saying that aaaaaaahh..." even the ever so confident Mirio was now stuttering.
They had never been this intimidated by her in their entire life. What they were scared of more than that, was her constant unpredictable mood swings that she'd been having ever since she had started talking to Midoriya.

Speak of the devil.

Midoriya was in for it now. What's worse was, he forgot that she even was his girlfriend. And boy, right on time did he come! She was mad and she saw him come in the cafeteria.

Midoriya was about to sit sown after getting his meal, but:
-"Oh, man! This pork roast smells delicious!" he said to himself. He felt something or someone was standing behind him.
-"Good afternoon, Izuku!" he immediately recognized the voice. As he turned around, he saw Nejire, smiling at him, but not like how she usually does.
-"Oh, hey Nejire-sen-" he was cut-off mid-sentence as she squished his cheeks together, preventing him from talking. Her already uncomfortable smile turned into a really, really, really big frown.
-"Don't you Nejire-senpai me, young man! Have you completely forgotten that we are a couple now?!" she scolded him in a public place, receiving attention.
-"Why aren't you saying hi to your girlfriend!" she continued.

As she was giving him an earful, a certain pervert heard their little banter as he was eating. It was, of course, Mineta, sitting with Kaminari, Katsuki, Tenya, Kirishima, Sero and Shoto. The grape haired dwarf was obviously not happy about this.
-"Ok, I'm sorry!" said Midoriya.
-"Well you better be!" said Nejire, as she gave him 'The Stare'.
Out of nowhere, they heard someone shout.
-"MIDORIYA!!! HOW COULD SOMEONE LIKE YOU BE THE BOYFRIEND OF SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL????!!!!!" Mineta threw himself at Izuku as he said those words.

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