Chapter 6 - After Overhaul

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A note from the author.

Hey, guys! I really do have a lot of free time in my hands, don't I?! Anyways, this chapter takes place right after the whole Overhaul arc, where Togata still loses his quirk and Sir still dies. I know this might be a bit of a Deus Ex Machina, but I forgot to mention that Midoriya was working with Nighteye during his whole relationship with Nejire. Midoriya was about to apologize, but all of a sudden it was time to fight Overhaul, so he didn't get the chance to say sorry to Hado. As always, thank you for choosing my fanfic! Basically, I just time-skipped to after the whole Overhaul arc. Don't worry, nothing changed.

At last, Overhaul was defeated. It wasn't a victory for our heroes, but they didn't really lose as well. Though they lost many men, they managed to rescue a certain very important little girl, and that was plenty good. Of course, among the heroes and officers that sacrificed themselves in the mission, the death of Sir Nighteye was the saddest. No, sad wasn't enough to describe it. It affected everyone that was on the mission. Especially Togata, Bubble Girl and All Might, Sir's former teacher. Many were injured, Midoriya included, surprisingly, this time he didn't break any bones. He was laying on the bed. Recovery Girl had told him that he would need to rest there for at least two days. Another tragedy that occurred during this almost impossible task was the permanent loss of Mirio's quirk, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his dreams to become one of the greatest heroes of all time.

But there was also a blue haired girl that once dated Izuku, Nejire Hado. She wasn't seriously injured. Even though Nejire and Midoriya broke up, she was worried sick for him. She really wanted to visit him, but she was too afraid to talk to him. Midoriya wanted to just stand up and go and apologize to Nejire, but his body wasn't able to.

It happened at around 8 o'clock. Tsuyu and Ochako still hadn't left the hospital, as well as Nejire. Uraraka decided to bring Izuku and her back together, even though she loved Izuku too(Haha! Very sudden, right?!).
-"Good evening, Nejire-senpai!" Ochako waved at The bluenette.
-"Hey, girls..." she sounded worried.
-"Is everything ok? Ribbit!" Tsuyu asked her.
-"No! Togata lost his quirk, Sir Nighteye died, Overhaul nearly killed all of us, if it weren't for Midoriya! Speaking of Midoriya, I dumped him just because he wouldn't tell me about his quirk!" she said, massaging her forehead, looking very frustrated.
-"Hey, hey, hey! Where's my childish, energetic Nejire-senpai? Just relax... breathe in... breathe out..." she comforted Hado, hugging her.
Tears started to run down Nejire's face. she yelled in stress and agony, with sadness and despair at the same time.
-"It's all my fault! He probably can't sleep, thinking about me all the time!" The teen weeped.
-"There, there... it's not anyone's fault, it just happened...Look, why don't you go visit him and talk to him about it?" she recommended that to her, while patting Nejire's back.
-"W-w-w-what if he h-h-h-hates me n-n-now?" she said, stuttering constantly from the crying.
-" It's ok. Midoriya isn't gonna hate you. He is just that type of person. He can't bare to hold a grudge against someone he doesn't like..." said Ochako, still hugging her. After awhile, Nejire calmed down and washed her face. She then proceeded to Midoriya's room.

*Knock knock knock*

-"Come in!" said the green haired boy from the other side of the door.
The door opened. Nejire saw Midoriya just looking at the fan on the ceiling, covered in bandages.
The girl saw all the emotions behind his emerald-green eyes. He was thinking, but he was relieved, yet he was sad, as well as angry. All those emotions, just waiting to be released at the appropriate time. She couldn't bear to see the love of her life just laying on his bed, having no one to visit him, having nothing to do, having no one to talk to. Her tears started coming out. She rushed to him, hugging him so tight, almost like if she let go, she would lose him.
-"Wha..." is all that came out of his mouth.
-"I was so worried about you! How could you do that to yourself?!" she screamed in anger and despair, scolding him.
At first, Midoriya just laid there as she hugged him, but then he hugged her back, putting his battle-scarred arms around her hair. Her soft, silky, shiny blue hair.
-"It's ok, Nejire-senpai..." he smiled with guilt.
-"I'm sorry..." he practically whispered.
-"Sorry for what?" Hado nearly instantly stopped her crying.
-"For everything. If I had showed up a little bit earlier, Mirio would not have lost his quirk. And if I was able to get Mirio and Eri to safety without Nighteye covering for me, he would not have died... but most of all, I'm sorry... for not being able to properly show you any attention and take care of you..." he said with tears forming on his eyes.
All of a sudden, he felt his face get slapped.
-"Don't you dare say that! And don't you dare blame yourself for the inevitable!" Nejire looked at him with the eyes of a strict, yet caring mother.
-"If anyone owns an apology, it's me! I dumped you just because you wouldn't tell me about your quirk!" she shouted at him.
-"I'm still sorry, Nejire-senpai..." Izuku wiped away his tears.
-"*sigh of defeat* You're impossible, Izuku. You know that?"
-"This is why I will always love you. And you only..." she continued, making him blush.
-"U-u-uhm, u-u-uh." Midoriya looked away from her. But she got a hold of his chin and turned his head to face hers. She leaned in for a kiss, and not just a peck on the cheek this time. She actually made out with him. In the beginning, Izuku's eyes widened, as this was his first ever kiss on the lips, on top of that the girl that kissed him was beautiful. But then he slowly opened up to her, as he started embracing her. They took their sweet time with the kiss, but then, Nejire suddenly got on the bed, while sitting on his crotch.

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