Chapter 6

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There were no indications of a riot, so Fang had time to relax and enjoy Earth's atmosphere. The previous time he had descended onto the human planet was due to a mission, and he had been threading on ice every second.

Now, he was without a mission, without responsibilities, and he could bask in the calm environment with no interferences. Compared to his native planet and TAPOPS, Earth was paradise. He could understand why humans were so comfortable in their home. It didn't have lava rain and acid rivers.

But he didn't understand why Boboiboy and his friends would leave it for somewhere unknown, somewhere dangerous.

Perhaps it was for the thrill. Suppose they were interested in the adventures. Human life can get boring at times, but he had his share of it. If he had to sit through maths class everyday doing the same algebra and face the exact same numbers, he would yearn for some action too.

"Enjoying yourself?" Boboiboy laid down on the grass next to him, arms crossed to pillow his head.

Fang shrugged the best he could. "It's peaceful. I could get used to this."

"I can't say I relate," Boboiboy said. "When you grow up here, you'll get bored."

"Well, you seem to love it here."

"I wasn't born here." The brunette paused, staring at the clouds. "I'd prefer city life, to be honest. There's more people and more exciting things to do. I like Pulau Rintis and TAPOPS, but I don't belong there."

Fang sat up, glancing at his elemental manipulator acquaintance. "How? You're the hero. Everyone adores you."

Boboiboy didn't elaborate further. He had previously mentioned both his parents were on the other side and he had missed their burial. Maybe it was something that had dragged him down, up until now.

Sure. Maybe they were born of different ethnic backgrounds. Maybe there were from different worlds. That didn't change the fact that the pain they had shared was indeed universal. They lost someone that they had loved and yet they couldn't do anything about it, despite having the power to prevent it from ever occurring.

"Will you go back?" Fang asked lightly.

Boboiboy turned his head to meet his stare. Brown irises met fuchsia ones.

"Possibly," he confessed. "Anytime."

"Please don't."


"You're the only one I can rely on. Don't take this the wrong way, but..." Fang faltered. "You're like the brother I never had."

Boboiboy nodded wistfully. "I can say the same," he whispered. "Gopal's an awesome friend, but I can't relate with him. Not in this way, at least."

The brunette sat up with him. For a moment, with his bent back, he seemed so fragile. He seemed so breakable, which was one moment that Fang had never seen within the boy.

This was the hero that had sacrificed a normal life for everyone else. The hero that shed tears for people he didn't know. The hero that saved everyone else with the cost of his own wellbeing.

Nobody bothered to save him.

"Hey, Boboiboy?" Fang started again.


"I'll be your hero."

The brunette burst out in a fit of light giggles and snorts. Fang went beet red in the face, and he crossed his arms to display his dignity.

"You don't have to be my hero, Fang," Boboiboy said, calming down. "Because you already are."

"Well, that speech better be worth it." Fang scowled.

Boboiboy mimicked Fang's scowl. "Look at me. I'm an alien with an obsession for glasses."

Fang chased his friend around the island, both using their powers to assist themselves in the situation.

He had never felt so whole, in spite the threat of the power thief still active and his brother gone.

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