chapter four

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I did not care how unreasonable I was being. Elspeth is too sweet of an angel to defend herself. So, from now on, I will be there to make sure others are not taking her kindness for advantage. No longer will she be treated with disdain. No longer will she be treated with such disrespect.

My control was hanging on by a thread. The only thing keeping me from killing him where he stands is her.


Already today she had witnessed my barbarity. She had already seen me lose my control. She had witnessed me brutally murder a man right in front of her eyes. And, still... she had yet to run from me in fear. I could not let her witness such an act again. Her innocence was refreshing, and I wanted her to keep that sunny look on the world for as long as possible.

My world was filled with darkness, and I did not want it to taint her light.

"Alpha King. Let me be the first to congratulate you on finding your mate. May God bless your union." Elder Benjamin spoke, bowing towards me. He was the least irritating of the elders to deal with. I had great respect for his ability not to sound like a pompous twat with a stick up his ass, unlike his peers. "And Queen Luna. Let me be the first - " He sent a scathing look in Elder Samuel's direction, " to say how lovely it is to meet you. Please forgive my friend Samuel here. We are still trying to teach him to keep his foot out of his mouth."

I was grateful to Elder Benjamin for his warm greeting to Elspeth. I could feel some of the tension leave her body as she shook with laughter. It was music to my ears. She truly embodied a pixie in every way. I struggled to suppress my laughter as I looked at Elder Samuels chagrined face.

"If you will excuse us, today has been an overwhelming day. I would like to get my mate settled if you do not mind." Not even waiting for a response I was already leading Elspeth to my suite in the castle. I selfishly needed her all to myself. I felt calm as we walked, hand-in-hand, in comfortable silence.

I smiled at her wide-eyed gaze as she took in her new surroundings. Her big-brown-eyes glowing with fascination, and could not help but try to see things from her eyes. I was so used to the extravagant castle that I sometimes fail to appreciate the beauty and history that it holds.

"Your home is beautiful." She spoke wistfully,

"It is now your home also. It is our home. What is mine, is yours. We are equal." I watched her eyes widen as she took in my words. I chuckled and pulled her arms as we reached my room.

I nearly wept as I felt her almost unconsciously lean closer to my touch. She continued to surprise me more and more at every turn. Her ability to take everything that has been thrown at her in such a short time, so gracefully, had me in total awe of her.

She truly was an Angel, my sweet pixie girl. This little fae had me under her spell, and I had no intention of fighting it.


Elspeth wiggled herself out of my arms as we entered the room. I leaned against the doorway as I watched her flit around the room. I felt myself relax as my eyes followed her around the room as she explored. Seeing her so clearly entertained and happy gave me a sense of peace I did not know I had been craving.

"Do you like it? If there is anything you would like to change, anything at all, I can arrange it for you." I finally moved from the doorway, as I made my way over to her. My stride was hesitant as I still held that fear that I would scare her or overwhelm her with my affection. I did not want to make her uncomfortable in any way, but my wolf and I could not help but crave touch after so long living in solitude.

"I could not possibly change a thing. It is enchanting. Everything I have seen so far has felt like something out of a fairytale. I can not wait to see more of the castle." Her voice was wistful as she spoke with her quiet lilt that I adored. Her lilt reminded me of a fairytale I had once read as a child; of a sweet fairy who's sweet voice was that of a song in the wind. I could not help but hang on to her every word.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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