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"Mmm IM ALL FIRED UP- ooff"
I feel the intense pounding inside my head. It felt like a whole ice cube had devoured my body, I felt sickening shivers cover my body as I hit back down onto the bed.
'UGHHH my head! Why does it hurt so much?' I squeeze my palms into my forehead hoping for the pain to go away. Which doesn't work. Soon I hear a little "hehe" coming from besides me. I turn around with agony to see happy grinning at me Immensely.
"You look like a pile of off fish my friend" he snickers. I groan and roll over.
"Leave me alone" I shiver, I felt slightly bad since I've hardly seen the little guy these days but I felt horrible, so I go back under the blankets. What happened last night? I don't remember much after my 76th drink. I remember everyone celebrating the new year, causing a choas in the guild that I hadn't seen for a while. Everyone been turning into old jags lately, the new lot of kids aren't as rowdy as we were and if they do they always get shut up by Erza, where all the fun go?
I then realised my thought process yet again trailed off.  'UGH' why don't I remember anything pass 9pm. What did I do? I havnt been this bad before. Age must be catching up to me. I try to go back to sleep but my body was torn between getting up and going to find gray to beat him up for the comment he made earlier the other day about me not being able to get laid.... ain't, kinda true but that cinder face jerk wouldn't understand!
And the. Other option is I could stay in bed and sleep off the day.
Both sounded great. But eventually I caved and decided to do neither. I got up and saw that happy had left behind some fish in a bowl with spices on top. Usually I would eat it to make him feel happy but I really wasn't feeling it. I then decided to have a shower. A hot steamy shower. I got out of my clothes from last night and had the best shower I've had in a long while. I then force myself out to then put on some fresh clothes and decided to head to the guild.
I didn't know what time it was but from the flaring sun I knew it was roughly one in the afternoon.
Maybe I should take a little S-Class quest. But who am I kidding. No one would go with me. Gray and Lucy havnt gone on a mission with me for over a year. They always go together. Erza busy being now once again the guild master and also balancing out her strange relationship with Jellal. He comes and goes and, boy does her personality change every time he leaves.
There's Happy for sure but lately he and Carla have been doing some intense training. Happy so badly wants his "human form" I've never seen him this determined to impress a girl in my life. Then there's Wendy. She's grown up a lot the last four years after The war with Zeref. So much now that sometimes I hardly recognise the sweet innocent girl we first met, now she's a Woman, dating Romeo and drinking with Cana and already a thriving S-Class wizard. So she doesn't need me or want me anymore.
I was almost to the guild to when I walked passed Lucy house, my heart throbbed but worse of all so did my head. Shit this is the worse. I then watch Gray exit Lucy house in a haste. Strange.
I would normally go up now and start bickering and Gray about his normal but I call weird walk. But as I walked passed I smelt the salty smell of tears coming from Lucy room. Oh how My heart truely throbbed.
Stop it Natsu. It's over between you two before anything happened. But I couldn't help myself to feel anxious for lucy, I just wanted to jump into her apartment and hold her tightly in my arms. But it's been months since I've been inside. I almost felt like i would not be welcomed.
But, Lucy is my long time friend. She should at least have some form of company in her time of need.
So I begin to walk in until I hear a small squeaky voice.
"What are you doing?" Levy? I turn around and face the 3 month pregnant levy.
"Oh hi there levy, I was just Umm..."
"Checking on Lucy?" She grinned as she slide slyly under my arm to open the door.
"Yeah....." I say in defeat.
"That's very kind of you Natsu, but I wouldn't after what happened last night" she said sternly almost like a warning. But all I felt was my head hammering again.
"Last night?" I whispered through groans. Levy was pregnant meaning she would of witnessed everything last night sober but still her eyes turned from a denfensive mother to a concerned child.
"Don't you remember?" I shake my head. I felt this odd sickening feeling flow through me. But some memories started flowing through as I watched Lisanna walking down the street with bixslow in her hands.

Since when did that happen?


~ ooo what did Natsu do? And how did gray and Lucy end up together? And why did gray run out? Well I'll answer all those questions. Eventually. I'll post an update soon. Idk how much I'll update it'll be irregular Rn probs a lot. I'm planning on this to be semi long not reallt long though coz I have commitment issues. Okay bye~

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