amor fake

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Juvia and I were holding hands through the streets of magnolia. We are pretty local celebrities so a lot of people were giving us strange glances. Which was expected. Like who would expect Natsu and juvia holding hand in hand. Certainly not me this morning.
We then took a left to one of juvia claimed "favourite" cafes. It was late arvo now so we decided some afternoon tea would be a cute first fake date, and to also figure all this out.
I look up at juvia lighten up face as she entered the cafe. She must be a regular because right off the bat the waitress directed us to a reserved table to which I notice was already placed with two sets of plates, cups and cutlery.
We then sit down.
"Now if you need anything please just put up you hand and we will be straight there to take any order tense~" the youngish girl then hoped away obviously excited to serve Juvia and I.
I then grab the menu and have a look. But something was still bothering me. Why was the table already reserved with two plates placed when we just spontaneously chooses to go here. Did they know it was me or..... damn I got it.
"Juvia I have a question." Juvia a hungry face then glanced up from the menu and muttered "mmmhmm" as she quickly glanced back down in anticipation to order. Obviously she's hungry.
"How long have you been waiting to take gray here?" I asked sympathetically. I could see juvias' hands tense on the menu. She slowly tilted her head up to release a sigh.
"He has been here before. This was the first date we had after Zeref.... but something happened, i still don't know what but he made me promise to take him here again. And that was 1460 days ago." Juvias eyes begin to leak a tear. And out of habit I leaned over the table and wiped it off. As soon as we both realised our faces went red and we quickly snapped back in our seats.
"So ummm yeah what are you ordering" me asking without even looking at the menu.
" I think I'm going to get a blueberry cheesecake with a blue heaven milk shake!" She exclaimed with excitement, but I just realised that this was a dessert cafe. I quickly glanced at the menu in time for juvia to ask me the same question.
"Hmm well I'm going to get a lava Chocolate cake, and a strawberry milkshake"

"And is that all?" I shake my head no. But then soon realized when the heck did that waitress get there. I was shocked. How did I not notice.
Wow I need some training ASAP.

She than left for juvia and I to finally begin our main topic.
What is the fake date about?

// slight interruptions: jutsu for Natsu x juvia ? //

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