
46 3 4

"Natsu~" I heard Lisanna shout towards me. Giggling and smiling with bixslow in her hand.
Does she not remember what happened last night!? I guess not.
She started to pick up her pace towards me. I looked down at levy with desperation for help. But she just smiled and waved to then left me to fend for myself.
I could hear Lisannas foot steps coming closer. I twitched my neck back up to face her, I then faked a big smile.
"Hey Lis, How yah feeling?" I looked away from her face to glance at Bixslow and Lisannas hands intertwined and back up to lisanna. She must of seen the hint of pain on my face and realized i remember majority of last night. Blurry and Vaguely. But most of it.
She then sighed as she began to speak. Oh no.
"Natsu. About last night... umm-" I stopped her. I couldn't bring myself to face her at this moment.
"Yeah you know Umm, I got to go." And I ran. Like a coward. But I ran for what seemed like hours. Until I slowly found myself at the train station. Why am I here?
I looked around to soon see Gray. Did my senses lead me to here? I begin to walk towards him when I saw he was holding hands with some girl.
My stomach dropped. Was he cheating on Lucy? Is that why she was crying? And with who?
I wanted to get closer to the scene but couldn't bring myself to. All I could think was that Lucy needs me.
I start to walk away when I felt a deathly presence infront of me.
I looked up to see an angry juvia.
"Oh hi there juvia! Sorry about last night. Wasn't really myself" I smiled awkwardly hoping she wouldn't strangle me with her water. But surprisingly her face soften up.
"It's alright Natsu. You are right anyways. I shouldn't of called you that when I was... still am the same." She sighed looking almost defeated in her act of not caring.
I kinda felt sorry for her. Being so heart broken but still having to put up an act. While I've been a little bitch. I've been mopping around, not trying to move on.
I then heard her starting to chuckle.
"But I can't believe I was so love sick over that guy. Such a player. Dates Lucy for 4 years breaks up with her and then starts dating one of her close friends brandish." I could hear the vermin in her voice but still shaking with sorrow.
"Yeah well, I guess we both have had our share of not getting what our heart wants" I sighed as I sit down on the bench.
"Yeah. I know. And you have it all written over you" she teased but then frowns.
We both then watch the train pull in. Feeling the gust of wind hit our faces to the watch brandish and gray walking in with cheeky smiles planted on there.
"how did that even happen!" I grumbled. I heard juvia do the same.
"I know right! It just isn't right! How come he gets all the girls, and then chuck them away once he is bored, and yet every time he does this he still doesn't go to me! The person that puts him on a pedestal! But then again I wouldn't wanna be one of his toys.... " juvia rants but then signs with defeat.
"you know he has done this before with Lucy. Gets bored, breaks up, gets bored gets back together. This is the 7th time. I don't know why she keeps letting him back in" she hisses. I then look up to her in awe. I did not know this. Even when Lucy and I were close she would never tell me. Wow. What has happened here.
I then sigh, juvia looks down at at her hands in her lap. I could see her fiddling her thumbs. I could feel the tense tension slowly vanishing but soon replacing with an unsure atmosphere.
She then sighs again.
" I'm sorry Natsu" she says breathily. I raise my eyebrow at her confused.
"What there to apologise about?" I had this strange feeling to go and grab her hand for comfort, be restrained myself having a strange feeling it would make it worse.
"I'm apologising for how I was acting last night. There was a reason why I was having a go at you. It was because I was mad" she continued to fiddle her thumbs. I wanted to laugh. Juvia being mad? What a surprised. But she then took a big gulp of air and I knew she was about to say something important to her.
"Last night... I told gray I still loved him. He just laughed at my face, saying I was probably drunk and didn't know what I was saying. I swore for a second though he was about to confess as well but I was wrong. He just a men's man. But why-" juvia couldn't bring herself to finish. She started chocking up. I watch the tears fall down her face. I didn't know what to do. I was angry. Confused. I couldn't handle seeing my friends hurt, I couldn't handle seeing everyone getting torn apart. I then had a rush of adrenaline flow through me, I hoped off my seat.
"Well I guess there's one thing to do then" I grinned at juvia. I watch her tear stained face lift up with a hint of interest but also confusion glistening in her eyes.
"And what would that be?" she slowly stood up.
"We just have to move on. Together. Come on, let's go" I hold out my hand. She seems hesitant at first but eventually grabs it. I see a small smile dance across her face.
"Alright then Nastu, and how to you suppose this works?"
"Well, what about let's go on a date, but not a real date." I smirk at her. Her eyebrows lift up.
"What are you proposing Dragneel" I could see all hesitation leaving her presence as she leans closer towards me.
"Let's do a fake relationship~"

Low key thought the story out and already decided imma have two ending depending on people's ships ~

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