nuper nocte

45 3 1

The night before

120th drink down, I felt my mind blacking in and out. I was standing in the corner of the guild. Now sipping away my sorrows. Happy and Carla where bickering. Gray and Lucy were making out, gajeel was playing one of his love songs to the very embarrassed levy. Then there was Lisanna. Over the years we have been getting much closer. She had almost made me forget my feelings for Lucy. Slowly they have been replaced with feeling for her. I take my 121th drink and I could feel my rush of emotions change. I began to felt all bubble. I start to get up but sway drastically into someone's moist arms.

"Hi~" I look up to see the grump juvia.

"Ooo~ hic, nice catch" I blop her nose. She just huffed and let me fall to the ground.

"Juvia doesn't like pathetic loved loss boys" she hissed as she began to sway away, all blurry in my vision.

"Okayyyyyyyy juvia, don't you think I've forgotten how love craze you were for gray-Sama, hehe" I teased as I slowly lift my body back up, I could feel her death glare down my neck. But I can't pay attention to it.
My mind was in a hole other world. Until I felt a splash of water project my back sending me fly to the guild walls. All I heard before I blacked out once again was
"FUCK YOU NATSU" which juvia then slams the guild doors.

I then slowly regain consciousness. I slowly open my eyes to see Lisanna concern face. I giggle.

"Ooo Lisanna~" I slurred as I grab the hand infront of me to help myself get up.

"Natsu, I think you've had a little more than your body can handle... want me to take you home?" She says while handing me some water. I started at it for awhile, I wasn't having any. So I grabbed the water and boiled it until it evaporated.

"No~" I pouted as I get back up. But I swayed again into Lisanna breast. My body couldn't move I just stayed there. It comfy~ I then heard a little giggle escaping her mouth.

"Oh my Natsu you're a mess, come on sit with me." She then took my hand and directed me to a table with levy, gajeel bixslow and freed.

She then sits me down. I soon then fall my head onto her shoulder. Watching the mouths talk but could hear no sound. Every now and then I could see levy flash a concerned eye on me. So I close mine.

But as soon as I closed I started to hear voices.
"He has become a real mess nowadays"
"He so strong but so lost the poor thing"
"He just need a girlfriend I reckon~ hehe"
I could feel my body tense as the truth of what people were thinking of he started to come out. And before I could stop myself it came out.

"Well, if you guys think that of me, maybe I will get a girlfriend" I groaned as I lift my head up and see the tables face blushing with realisation that I wasn't infact -yet- passed out. I than look over to Lisanna and took in a big breath of distasteful air.

"Lis~annnnaa will you be my very beautifullll girly friend?????" I slurred with delight as my body started to feel lighter. But even my blurry vision couldn't hide Lisanna guilt.

"Huh? What is it?" I felt my body go heavy again.

"Well Natsu. I was meaning to tell you but ummm... bixslow and I are dating and have for a few days now" she said while placing her hand on bixslow.

"Oh" I whimpered as I hit my head back on the tabled chanting "stupid stupid" over and over again.

I soon felt levy's cool hands rubbing my head. I knew it was her coz she been doing it a lot lately.

"It's okay Natsu, it's okay" she whispered. But even the closeness of her voice couldn't hide what Lisanna said next.

"Maybe I shouldn't of gotten so close to him" I felt my heart break. Again. I flipped my head up. Hearing levy gasp as she moved away. Next thing I new the table was on fire.

"AGAIN!" I growl.

"I'm sorry for caring about you! I'm sorry for being for you."

I leave the table and sit back in my corner. I felt the concerned eyes following my swaying body.
I barely heard the sound of gray yelling "Ice make" to distinguish the fire.

I started my 122th drink when I heard the sound of happys songs coming over.

"You're going to feel that tomorrow Natsu.... you don't mind me just sitting here for abit with you?"  I looked up to see happy concerned face. Oh how I missed that face.

"They sent you here didn't they?" I muttered as I continued to drink. Happy didn't reply but only did a sad sigh. I just nodded taking that as a silent answer of yes.

"Fine, stay if you wish" i gulped down the rest of the drink. I then stood up to order my next drink to my surprised to pump into Lucy sitting on one of the stoles next to me. I decided to ignore her. But I guess she didn't want to do the same.

"Hi there Natsu, long time no talk Aye?" She coward. I glanced over at her and saw the marks that gray left Lucy on her neck.

"Mmm Yeah" Mira then served me another drink and I began to drink.

"Was quite a scene with Lisanna wasn't it?" She tried to make conversation but really it made me feel worse.

"What's up Lucy? You've hardly ever talked to me the last year and now you want to get into my personal life?" I growled but instantly felt regret as I saw her face flinch.
She then signed and started stirring her drink with her straw.
"I havnt been a really good friend have I?" She muttered. I glance at her confused. Why would she say that.

"Lucy. You have been s good friend. We have just gotten older. I just think I need to grow up. But I can't" I sign. Taking another sip. Feeling this drink really taking its toll.

"Mmm, I don't completely disagree or agree with you there. But I am concerned for you. Why don't you think you can grow up?" She judges closer. She has become one of the best mage journalists in all of Fiore. With that plus s-class quest she has really made a fortune for herself. To be honest I don't even know why she still lives in that apartment.

"I don't know what to tell you Lucy." I signed not knowing how to give her a satisfying answer. How could I tell her that I had my hole future planned out, but it involve her in it and now that that's ruined.

"Natsu. I know it's been awhile but u can tell me anything" She then placed her hand on my shoulder and I felt a strange blist sensation.

"Okay... Lucy. I loved you" I whimpered as I felt a tear roll down my face. I wiped it away to then feel Lucy's arm leave my shoulder to use it to balance herself to move away.

"Natsu-" I looked up to then see an angry gray behind her.

"Shit" I whispered under my breath.
But before I could defend my wasted self the more sober gray punched me directly into the face.

I blacked out.

My last memory is happy.
Tucking me into bed

Okay so that happened.... how will everything play out now?
Oh and if anyone has any cool covers for my book that'll be awesome send em through xx

All the Reasons to Love you (Nalu) on hold Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon