Fourteen. First Move

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Dylan wasn't sure how lucky he would get tonight, but a headache was guaranteed. The blaring music did a number on his ears. The fixed base made his eardrums sore, and his cochlea tremble. "So this is what you meant by trampolines," Dylan stated with a laugh, trying his best not to grimace from the excessive noise.

Emily, who had returned from purchasing their entrance tickets, smiled in return and handed Dylan a pair of sox. "Have you ever been here before?"

Dylan shook his head. "Nope. Haven't been on a trampoline in ages." 

"I was the same until my friends, and I came here over the summer to help chaperone Lin's little brother's birthday," Emily explained as she put on Dylan's band over his left wrist. Her fingers briefly grazed his skin, but it was enough to dull the noise momentarily. "We ended up having so much fun that we came the next week again without all the five-year-olds." 

Dylan glanced around the area. "Doesn't seem like there's a lot of kids now."

"Yeah, the evening is for the teenagers and adults." 

"What time is this place open till?"

"Midnight, but I only got us two-hour passes, which is more than plenty. Believe me." 

Dylan chuckled. "Thank goodness I don't have practise tomorrow then." 

Once Dylan and Emily changed, they put their belongings into a shared locker and made their way to the indoor park. There were trampolines scattered everywhere of various obstacles such as a halfpipe, foam fits, basketball nets, and even a rock wall. There was also a dodge ball zone and a gladiator pit. The only advantage Dylan had tonight was his sight that allowed him to see the facility clearly despite the glow in the dark theme. 

Initially, Dylan was hesitant to jump, scared that he'd overdo it and jump high enough to raise suspicion from Emily and anyone else watching. He hadn't been on a trampoline in a long while, maybe since he was a kid. Dylan couldn't remember how much force he had to utilize to jump at an appropriate, human height. What if he jumped and accidentally hit the ceiling? Dylan nervously eyed the fifty-foot ceiling, aware that he'd have no problem reaching that height.

"Come on, Dylan!" Emily encouraged, already going ahead of him and jumping across the traplines, hopping from one square to another. She wore a white crop top and black leggings with white stripes on the sides. The whites were illuminated in the dark, emphasizing her wondrous curves. Her beauty was a magnet, and before Dylan knew it, he was making his way over to her, carefully jumping from one trampoline to the next. 

Dylan couldn't relax, not one bit. His muscles were tense the entire time to restrict his strength. He'd followed Emily's movements, matching his jumps to hers. He was constantly thinking about how much energy he was investing in his legs, ensuring that, at max, he'd jump a head taller than Emily's jumps. Then, the thirty-five percent of him that wasn't focused on acting human, was preoccupied with everything Emily related. Her scent was intoxicating; her laugh, contagious. Her movements were fluid, causing her black hair to sway graciously, never blocking her face. Best of all, her huge smile was irrevocably beautiful. 

Dylan wanted nothing more than to hold Emily and kiss her, but he was too busy making sure he didn't jump high enough to induce Emily with a heart attack. 

Emily was completely oblivious to Dylan's turmoil. "What do you wanna try first?" 


Dylan made the mistake of picking the gladiator pit. Emily and Dylan stood on two separate pillars overlooking a foam pit. They had to wear protective headgear and were each given a  gladiator stick padded with foam. Initially, they were having fun. Emily's hits on Dylan felt like mere taps. Dylan could've feigned falling over to please his mate, but his competitiveness got the best of him. 

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