Six. Seto Debriefing

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Emily collapsed onto her bed after she spent four hours completing her chemistry assignment with Lin and then another hour finishing her math homework. All she had left was to review her chem and math notes, but that task could delay until tomorrow. Right now, Emily was exhausted and she wanted to catch a quick nap, but her family had something different in mind. 

"Emily!" Miranda called from the downstairs, her voice reaching the farthest corners of the upper floor. "Could you come done and help me with dinner?!"

Emily groaned. As much as she didn't want to get up, she much rather suffer through her fatigue than face the wrath of her mother. However, Emily wasn't in a hurry, and she lazily made her way to the kitchen to find her Mom cutting chicken breast while her little sister sat at the island, playing with her dolls. Across the kitchen, in the living room, her Dad napped softly on the couch. 

"Dinner so early?" Emily asked while she suppressed a yawn. 

"I have a hair appointment at six. This way, we can eat dinner together," her Mom explained without lifting her head from the chicken. "Now, please cut the vegetables."

Emily listened, grabbing the carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower from the fridge. She located the only available space on the island and began cutting, starting with the carrots. 

The lack of space didn't go unnoticed by Miranda, and she eyed her youngest child, who was inadvertently taking up the most space.  There were many dolls, their clothes, and a doll car scattered on the island. "Livy, sweety, no playing on the island while Mommy and Em are working. Your dolls' hair will get in the food." 

Olivia ignored her Mom and continued to play. 

"Liv," Miranda said more sternly. 

Olivia made a face but obeyed. She grabbed her dolls and walked over to Emily. "Will you play with me?"

"Can't you see that Emily is busy?" Miranda answered for Emily as she transferred the cut chicken breasts into the saucepan. "She'll play with you after dinner." 

"I gotta do homework," Emily lied, finding any excuse to catch some free time to text Dylan. 

Olivia pouted. "You never have time for me." 

Emily rolled her eyes, immune to her little sister's manipulative tactics. "Maybe we'll play tomorrow."

Olivia perked up at the proposition, but she still didn't leave Emily's side. 

"Why don't you go see if Dad will play," Miranda suggested while she added spice to the chicken. 

Olivia's face immediately brightened up with excitement, and she ran across to the living room and jumped on John's belly, startling the man awake. 

"What? What's wrong?" Their Dad asked, in a state of delirium. He glanced around out of confusion before his eyes landed on Olivia. 

"Will you play dolls with me?" Olivia asked in a cute and innocent voice. 

"I don't know how to play dolls," John replied with his eyes closed, his head already falling back down to the pillow. 

"Dad!" Olivia whined. "Come and play dolls with me!" 

John couldn't refuse, especially since Olivia continued to jump on his stomach to get his attention. He reluctantly sat up and proceeded to play with Olivia on the living room floor. The look of confusion never waivered off his face the entire time they played dolls. 

"So," Miranda drawled in the midst of cooking, "how was yesterday?" 

"What do you mean?" Emily retorted, feigning ignorance. 

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