Chapter 1

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Dear Ricky,
It's been a year since I've seen you. Since you hogged up the bed, since we had our eat pizza and watch tacky movie nights, since you told me you loved me. When you disappeared I found out I was pregnant. A couple of months ago I had a baby. Your baby. His name is Ricardo Jr. after you of course, like you always wanted. He has the same breathtaking emerald eyes that you have. Taking care of a baby isn't easy without you. I miss you so much. Every day I check hospitals to see if maybe you got hurt badly and you can't remember who you are. I check morgues for unidentified bodies. You were never there. It hurts me that I don't know where you are, or if you're okay. I just pray that wherever you are you know that I love you and I just wish I could see you one last time.

My eyes well up with tears as I write my 358th letter. It took me a week to realize Ricky was really gone. I just thought he would come back, maybe he got hurt and couldn't find me. After a week I realized that wasn't the case.

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