Chapter 5

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Dear Ricky,
It's 3 in the morning. It's been a week since I got the letter and I haven't slept since. I get up and change. I put on my running shoes, put my airpods into my ears, and go outside for a walk. One might not think this is normal, but you would think it is.
I am asleep soundly. It is the first time I am spending the night at your apartment. I had just gotten fired from Victoria's Secret, so my plans of moving out of my parent's house had been put on hold. I hear noises and a body next to me moving around continuously. I turn towards you, my boyfriend at the time, and shake you until you turn around.
"Ricky what's wrong" I say rubbing my eyes.
"I just can't sleep" you said.
I check the clock on the bedside table and it read: 1 2 : 0 1 A M
"Well we have time to waste then" i said smiling slightly.
You grinned widely.
For the first hour and a half we just talk about everything on our minds.
"I have to tell you something" you said.
The smile on my face fades as a serious look crosses yours.
"What is it?" I say quietly.
"I have a 1 year internship for me, but it's in France" you said quietly.
I freeze.
"I won't take it if you don't want me to" he says.
"I can't stop you from taking it" I say.
You sighed and said "Chloe I love you."
"I love you too" I say sadly.
"Come with me" you said with gleaming eyes.
"You know I can't do that Ricky, I just got fired, I'm in college, I can't do what I want to do in France" I say with tears filling my eyes.
"Chloe, France is the country of fashion, I'm sure you would love the stores in Paris! You could definitely work there" you exclaimed.
"I wouldn't see Clara grow up and I could never afford their tuition" I say, my voice growing louder.
"Your family can visit and I'm sure we could figure out a way to get the money-"
"Ricky I don't want to go to France!" I yell.
It gets quiet.
"Then I guess we're over" you said quietly trying to hold back your tears.
I pull the covers off of me and I pack all of my stuff that I had left over time and put on my running shoes.
"Chloe wait I didn't mean it" you said.
I take off the necklace you gave me and put it in your hand. Then I grab my stuff and walk out the door into the pouring rain.
I drive to Paige's house and she agreed to let me stay the night. We both couldn't sleep so we stayed up eating ice cream and watching sad romance movies.
Then we hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" I say putting down my ice cream bowl.
I open the door to see you, with the necklace still in your hand.
"Ricky what are you doing here" I say, my eyes widening.
"Chloe I'm sorry" you said.
"Ricky you said it yourself we can't work 4,000 miles apart" I say.
"No I was wrong, I love you, and I'm not giving up on us. Now please put it on and come back with me" you say dangling the necklace in the air.
I sigh, turn around, and lift my hair while you put the necklace back on.
I turn back around and grin with my arms crossed.
You rolled your eyes and pulled me in to kiss me.
Then I turn around, grab my stuff, wave to Paige, and walk hand in hand with you in the pouring rain.
*end of flashback*
From then on whenever we couldn't sleep we would go out for a walk at the same time every time, 3 in the morning. A couple of tears escape my eyes as I finish my walk and stroll up the steps to our house. It's not the same without you walking with me. As I am unlocking the door, I hear yet another crunch under my foot.
I look down to see another envelope.
I panic and look around to see no one else outside.
I pick up the letter and walk into the house.
I lock all the doors and close the curtains.
I go to our room and slowly open the envelope.
I unfold the letter and read:
Dear Chloe,
Good job not going to the police. Now I know that you won't snitch. My group and I have agreed to let your husband go if you fix the mess he made. The first step is to return what he stole from us. What a dirty man you married. Be lucky we didn't kill him. You'll be hearing from us again soon.
I crunch up my face in confusion. What you stole? I had no clue what they were talking about. I go into your office and search for hours for anything. Documents, letters, even a business card, I found nothing.
Then I look into the corner to see your laptop.
I had never even touched it, not even when you were still around. Guess there's a first for everything.


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