Chapter 3

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Dear Ricky,
Today I did the usual. I checked the hospitals, I checked the morgues, but this time Paige came with me. It's been extra grueling working with the police this week and it just makes me miss you even more than I already do. We went to Starbucks and sat down at a table. We got our drinks and Paige noticed I was extremely quiet.
"I'm always going to be there for you, we're gonna find him" she said.
Tears welled up in my eyes.
"the last time I saw him was in his ducky boxers" I said laughing through my tears.
Paige chimed in and started laughing.
"he was so goofy, but he was my goof" I said about to cry again.
"Don't give up Chloe, he's out there I can feel it" Paige said and gave me a hug.
It was really nice having her around since you couldn't be.
We ended up spending the rest of the day together just shopping and hanging around the mall area.
We ended up parting ways because it was time for me to pick Ricardo Jr. up from my mom's house. She has been especially supportive during this time too. She always offers to watch him and helps me with the finances. You were the supporter of the family, I won't lie. You can't make much when you're a lower class fashion designer, but you always believed in my dream to be the real deal, even if it was taking a little longer than I thought.
Do you remember when we met? I was a 17 year old working at a Victoria's Secret. That was only the start of my love for fashion and clothing. I wasn't feeling very good, but I really needed the money, so I went to work anyways. You came in with your sister (this was really funny to me) and you were very uncomfortable by everything you saw. I had just dropped a bunch of hangers and was in the process of getting yelled at by my boss when you saw me. When my boss walked away you came over and saw me in tears. You knew I wasn't in the mood to talk, and instead just helped me pick up the hangers. Together we put them into the box and you smiled at me very widely.
"Thank you" I said with a very tiny smile.
"Of course, I'm sorry you got yelled at" you said.
I chuckled.
"That's alright, it's happens" I said.
"I'm Ricky" you said brightly.
"Chloe" I said and we shook hands.
"See you around?" You said.
I nodded with a smile and he walked away. I thought you were just being nice. You asked around for my hours and came in every time I was working until I agreed to give you my number. You were the best thing that had happened to me in a very harsh time. I loved that about you.
A few tears came out of my eyes as I pulled up to my mom's house and proceeded in picking up the baby and driving home.
I hope you get to meet him one day, he's just like you.

Love, Chloe

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