Chapter 4

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Dear Ricky,
I hope you're okay. Today was my day off from work so I spent the whole day with the baby. I'm wearing your jacket so it's like you're here with us. I still smell the cologne you always wear. Do you remember the first time I smelled it?
Tonight was the night of my first date with Ricky. We were going to the movies. I decided on a casual outfit: dark blue ripped jeans and a hollister sweatshirt with white vans. I curled my hair and put on light makeup. You texted me and told me you were outside. I grab my purse and my keys and walk out. I hop into your car and there I smelled it. The smell of gods. I was a bit taken back by it when you asked me how I was doing.
"Chloe?" He said.
"Sorry what?" I say.
"I asked how you've been doing" he says sheepishly.
"Oh I've been doing okay, what about you?"
We continued to talk as you drove us to the movies. When we arrived you opened the door for me and held my hand as we walked to the front. As we were ordering the tickets, I pulled out my wallet to pay for mine when you pay ahead and smile.
I roll my eyes and you playfully roll yours back at me.
"Thank you" I say as we walk inside.
At the end of the movie you drive me home. On the way home we talked about how funny the movie was. When you pull up to my house you open my door and walk me to my doorstep.
"Would it be bad if I asked you out again some other time?" You asked.
"No, I had fun I'd do it again" I said blushing.
"Well um goodnight" you said awkwardly and we hug.
I go inside, annoyed that you didn't kiss me. I take a shower and when I change my phone pings.
Ricky: I should've kissed you.
I smile widely and begin to text back.
Chloe: I guess that means we have to go out again right?
Ricky: oh yeah.
I blush at my phone and go to bed.
*end of flashback*
The baby and I played around and watched movies and it was really fun. I wish you could've been there. As we were watching Cinderella I hear the doorbell ring. I paused the movie and got up to open the door. When I opened it nobody was there. I stepped outside to look around when I heard a crunch under my foot. I look down to see a note and I pick it up. I go inside thinking it's junk mail as I sit down to read it.
Dear Chloe,
We've never met before. I'm your husband's captor. I'm sorry for causing you the pain you must always be feeling, but it's your husband's fault you haven't seen him in a year. I'll write back soon. Don't go to the police or he's dead.
I crash to the floor in tears. I rip the envelope and notice there is something else inside. I pick up a picture and turn it around. My eyes widen with horror as I see you tied up to a chair unconscious. I drop the photo and crawl up into a ball. You are alive, and I'm being taunted by your captor. I put the baby into his crib and go to sleep. I think about what to do to keep you alive, but to get help on finding you. Tears continue to come out of my eyes. I hope you're okay.
Love, Chloe

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