almost 2 hours ;-;

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Meet luna!

Luna: a silver wolf/human/??? hybrid. Not many silver wolves are left in this world.
Age: 22-26 (varies depending on rp)
Sexuality: pansexual
Soul: fear ((pink)) with a monster ((white)) aura and small, thin, black cracks throughout.
Looks: *see above ^^^* the star over her eye changes color based on her emotion and how strong it is. You can't see it, but the bottom half of her hair is a dull pink and glows when she uses her magic. The more of her emotions she keeps inside, the brighter her hair glows and the color will grow. She has scars all over her body, but can hide them with her magic. Sometimes, she will forget to hide them, and gets caught trying to heal them. The eyepatch over her right eye keeps all the hate inside of her. (She's missing her right eye) If the eyepatch gets taken/ripped off, the hate will drip out and slowly consume her and take over her soul. She has her older sister, moon, possessing her. This is one of the many reasons why she has depression and anxiety.
A vErY tHiCc GoRl.
Magic: has the ability to copy anybody's weapon/attack, or create any weapon/attack with her magic. Can teleport anywhere, really. Can levitate, and has large galaxy looking wings. She rarely uses them though. Most common weapon is katanas made with pink magic. Can heal, but cant heal self or major wounds.
Height: about 5 ft 6 in
Personality: a kind person, but wont hesitate to beat your ass if you hurt her, or someone she loves/is a friend of. Short-tempered ((can get angry easily)) but has her calm and emotionless moments. Her tail rarely lowers, so when it does, something really went wrong. Same goes for her ears. Can be over-protective every now and then. Usually is very easy to fluster. Can be a HUGE tsundere at times, but not most of the time.
Fears: being left alone
Being abandoned
Being forgotten
Being hated

I think thats all.....


About 357 WORDS

Im gonna go internally scream now ;-;


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