luna x reader oneshot

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(sorry if this is bad TwT
i've never written a oneshot before, so :P)

Y/N p.o.v.

I was walking through a snowy little town, called Snowdin. I met a skeleton named Sans, and then his brother Papyrus. Sans said they had someone else at their house. Another human, to be exact. They said they didn't know her name, or anything about her. She didn't talk. At all. She kept her navy blue scarf over her mouth the entire time anyone was around her. I was the only one who had ever heard her speak. Well, rather sing. I've never heard her speak, but I've heard her sing. It's been a while since i first met her. She's beautiful...... but i can tell she's hiding something...... today is the day i found out what.

"hey Luna!" i call out to her.

her ears flick when she waves back. she pulls out her ear buds and walks over to me.

"what cha listening to?" i ask.

she shows me her phone and has a playlist of songs.
(here are some of the songs. make up the rest lol)

the last one caught my eye. That's the song i heard her singing when i first met her. plus, we met under a tree at the top of a hill. just like the song lyrics. odd.......

while im lost in my thoughts, she starts tugging on my hand. i look at her, confused. she points to waterfall, where our meeting place is.

"what about it?" i ask.

she ignores my question and starts walking over to waterfall. once we reach the tree, she sits down, under the falling blue blossoms, one landing on her nose. i laugh, causing her blush to creep over her scarf. she looks adorable when she does that~.... i move my hand over to brush it off. she pulls her head away, causing me to laugh again. she pulls her scarf down, and scoots closer to me. i raise an eyebrow, placing my hand on top of her's. this just causes her face to blush more.

"you ok?" i ask, laughing a bit.

she shakes her head no. my smile fades as i watch her in concern.

she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. my face grows a bright B/C (blush color). she pulls away, blushing a bright pink. i smirk and kiss her again, catching her off-guard. she falls backwards, pulling me with her. i end up pinning her down, my blush fading a bit. she opens her mouth to say something, but i cut her off by shoving my tongue into her mouth. after a few minutes, she pulls away panting. she finally speaks.

"i love you....."

i smirk, pull her up and wrap my arms around her in a tight hug.

"I love you too, luna~"

(477 words ;-;
not bad for my first oneshot that i didnt reread
fucking hate it)

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