random facts about me

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1. If i cry hard enough, and long enough, i will throw up.

2. Once i finish crying, i loose all emotion for a period of time.

3. I have an unhealthy obssession with the internet.

4. I watch a ton of music videos of piano songs, violins, drums, guitars, and dream about playing them, but never actually attempt to do so.

5. I will daily refrence memes, and if you try to stop me, it makes it worse.

6. I am unnaturally scared of people hitting me. If im sitting near you, and you suddenly move, i jerk and quickly protect myself. My friends say its ok. I think the opposite -._-.

7. Sensory overload happens to me every day. Sensory overload happens to mostly people with anxiety. But its basically where ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ANNOYS THE FUCK OUT OF YOU.

8. During the school year, i eat like a pig. During the summer, i barely eat at all. And im still fat :]

9. I manage to piss off everyone i know in a day.

10. Everything ends up being my fault.

11. I just want life to go my way for once. Please...?

Friend: your art looks nice!
Me: *starts visibly breaking down*

13. I cant english at all. One reason me and OkamiWolfie-Chan are friends.

14. Not even 20 years into my life and its already falling apart.

15. May or may not have an animal obssession.

16. Sometimes i want someone to hug me and hold me close, but not touch me at the same time.

17. Pleasehelpimdyinginsideandthisisacryforhelpeventhoughiwontacceptthehelpanyway

18. I have too many pictures on my phone ;w;

19. Hey since we're at 19 lets find that photo in my gallery

 Hey since we're at 19 lets find that photo in my gallery

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Awwwwww look at viper

20. I have 160 parts on here, 5 of them not being posted yet.

21. *cough cough* has dreams about undertale *cough cough*

22. Lets go to 50. See if my battery gets there first. Or if i have to go to bed first. Probably the latter.

23. MO- oh wait i don't have a mom.


25. Halfway there! :3

26. I love the song Despacito.

27. Listening to it as i type this >:3


29. Just kidding yes you can ;^;

30. Atheist right here 👉(•w•)

31. I do in fact believe in demons, heaven and hell, and ghosts- *hears a thump* oh god-

32. Its easy to scare me. One time, i was making food and had my phone next to me. Got a notification from wattpad. Shrieked and almost threw my phone. 👍:]

33. *slowly running out of ideas and also slowly starts panicking*

34. *not creative what so ever*

35. *also can't write or draw*

36. *cri every time*

37. *actually starting to run out of ideas*

38. Im not that interesting TwT

39. Oh look. Time won. 12:57 AM. Gotta go. My phone's gonna get taken away TTwwTT

40. Back. Also realized i have a low pain tolerance XD

41. Favorite quote:
"I am the lorax.
I speak for the trees.
Litter again?
I'll break your fucking knees."

42. I cannot go one day without singing, and killing my voice.

43. Totallynotobssessedwithundertale

44. I stay at my great grandparents house during most of the summer

45. 6 CATS, 2 DOGS, 2 FERRETS. MY LIFE IS COMPLETE. My animal life, anyway.

46. Don't you fucking dare touch my Cherry Dr. Pepper. I will slit your throat.

47. *yawns every 10 minutes*

48. All my OCs are just different parts of my personality

49. I have yet to create a ship kid TwT

50. If you cant tell, i love to roleplay

There ya go

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