Chapter 1 - Emma

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Although my naivety still lives in my core, my guts are not flippant to discern something in my surroundings. All this time, my bestfriends since childhood, Norman and Ray, are always by my side.

Until this day, in the middle week of November, one of them is absent in our daily routine. Just like this day, where in the temperant fall simmers down gradually into the misty nights of winter. And I wondered why I am troubled when he's not around. Like, we are already in our last year of middle school and it is evitable that this kind of day will embroid in my history.

"Emma, are you okay?" the collected voice snapped my drowning through my thoughts. My body flinched as it flows through my system and looked at him, adjusting myself into my signature cheery beams, together with my happy bobs. "I'm okay! but–" My pointing finger laid on my bottom lips, tilting my head in confusion, eyes still bored to my friend's dreamy blue orbs. "Where's Ray?"

Norman suddenly stopped walking through the premises — I also do the same since we're in the same pace — and faced me with surprise look. "You don't know? I thought Gilda told you about this."

"Told what?" My face probably like a transparent book, which the particular content of my emotions are readable to anyone. Bewilderment. Gilda usually talked to me in our vacant times but not about Ray's case. And why does Norman look like I am missing the biggest headline in our class? Ray also kept his distance to me today. What is happening?

Then, Norman really read me. He plastered his assuring smile and his right hand outstretched through the top of my head, ruffling my hair. In a moment, he let his fingers go and put that hand through his pocket. Later on, he resumes his walk and announced, "Ray has a girlfriend."

"Oh, so he's with his girlfriend now." I muttered nonchalantly. However, when the information registered completely through my mind, the switch clicked me and give me an utter shock. "Eh?! Since when?!" I coped up with Norman and grabbed his shoulder to halt his movement, seeking for answers.

"Yesterday," Norman started as I released his shoulder from my grasp, and we continue to walk on the concrete ground. "a moment after your underclassmen's rampage for the surprise on your farewell in the club, Anna confessed to Ray somewhere secluded in school."

My mouth agape in another shocking revelation. My voice partly raised because of the unexpected twist of events. "Anna likes Ray?!" And then, eyes averted from Norman but I can see the glimpse of his face, which is still in its usual mode — his kind eyes are still in the moment of scrutinazation, mostly studying the transitions of my emotions.

Anna is one of my friends in Gracefield Academy and also one of the smartest student here. She's actually a silent person but when you knew her, she's soft, caring and considerate person you'll know. She's also quite a beauty, especially when she showed her precious smile. Although I'm with Gilda for most of the time in school, I still have interaction with her, just like how friends conversing with each other — except in love interest because she always said that she ought to sort her priorities first. Yet, she became Ray's girlfriend.

I should be happy to hear this because one of my friends went on the next level. However, frustration swooned through my heart. I mean, I get why I am frustrated and it's because I missed out something important on the both party. But there's missing number on the equation and I can't resolve this unknown feelings.

"Ne, Emma, are you that frustrated?" Norman joined through my own thought as my eyes riverted on his. He let his chuckle out on his mouth and said, "It's quite an odd expression we have there."

"Because I don't know everything about it!"

"We're also shocked too, Emma. What an unexpected couple." Norman retorted and then, his hand laid on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Although it is a major plot twist in our year, I'm still glad that Ray tried to open his heart into someone." Another chortle followed on his statement as he hung his head low and continued, "I thought he will be forever single because he's too attached for you."

Something clogged in my airways in a second and said, "Attached to me? You mean, attached to his books?"

He coltishly hit my shoulder three times and laughed, "Emma! You're so innocent! Water must be angry because you're denser than it!"

A lit of annoyance just visited me. I lightly yanked his shoulder and clenched my fist. "What's so funny about it?! And why do you involve the water?!"

But instead of words, it answered by the melody of his snickers. It's been a while since he laughed like that but I am clueless what he is laughing about. Though I feel irritated with Norman today, it can't be helped but confused in the way he reacts today.

"But Emma, are you glad that Ray has someone other than us?" He interrogated as he faintly composed himself from his hysterics.

This time, I insesibly stopped in our departure and my dilated honey-green pupils meet his congenial ones. I also asked myself, "Am I really glad?"

"Of course, I am!" I transited my previous action to my bubbly personality. That's the only right answer I need to spill. Right, Emma?

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