Chapter 5 - Anna

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I was waiting for him in the entrance gates as my back leaned on the maroon bricks to support my weight and I find myself busy by scrolling the contents do the social media had been given to me to avoid boredom. Our silly game would be starting today and I would do my best to make it real.

As the thrill circulated through my veins, another feeling barged in to me. My lips pouted and groaned in my own stupidity. 'Ah, my mom doesn't raise me to become like this.'

"Oh, Anna. Are you waiting?" A deep voice tickled my excitement more. I divert my attention from my phone and glanced to the boy I've cherished. In the corner of my eye, the ivory-haired person flailing his hands to me and giving me a knowing look.

I flinched when his right hand touched my right cheek, giving me a desirable warthm. I perceived that weariness casted on his face. "You should text me and I would fetch you on your home. Can't you see that you were freezing?"

When those words registered to my control, my body clicked in realization as my body started to shiver because of cold. It doesn't even winter, yet, the breeze was dropping down. My lips quivered and replied, "Sorry. I may standing here for too long and I didn't aware in the weather."

His hands landed on my shoulders as he leaned towards the side of my face and whispered, "Yes, we are pretending but please, take care of yourself first." His feet moved back and conforming hues appeared on my sight, which made me feel weak. "Okay?"

I stiffened in our current situation. I can hear my own beating which boomed like a taiko drum on the isolated room. The butterflies that always inscripted in romance book — it was apparently flying in my stomach. I wasn't ready with this kind of Ray. Instead of reciprocating his feelings for me, I would end up falling in this hellhole more.

I scrutinized his wholesome eyes and nodded in return. "Okay. I am sorry."

The wind changed its direction as the unusual Ray came back to the Ray we've used to know. He gripped my shoulder tightly and said, "How will I fall in love with you if you are doing stupid in front of me?"

"Sorry but did you just say that Emma and I are idiots? Maybe you may." I challenged him coltishly and I received a harder squeeze in the same spot.

"So," Another voice entered in our conversation — I literally forgot that we're still outside the school and Ray was with Norman. Our heads tilted to the feeble, yet the smartest person I've known. He clutched his shoulder bag in confusion and asked, "What happened yesterday and you two are acting like that?"

My eyes riveted to the person beside me, who was already staring on my orbs, and sought for help in his childhood friend's inquiry. I did not know if we need to announce that we have special connections or what but what we really acted right now was out of character for both of us. First of all, we were not as close as before.

He suddenly took my shoulder bag from my blades and tightly gripped it to his fist. My pupils dilated on his deed. He put his gaze to Norman and replied reservedly. "You should know that, Norman."

Moment after, his attention went back to me and said, "Let's go. We're gonna late for our first subject."


Perhaps, it is true. It is true that once you impetuously drank the mysterious and tempting drink that had been given by the mayhem love, the actions that you think you will never do may be illustrated in our upcoming history. Just like on the ludricious situation I've entered, a 14-year old girl who suggested to the person she'd been fancied to become his fake girlfriend to seek answers for her friend's undetermined feelings for him. To be honest, I'd never expected that I will going to do something like this, which is really absurd to everyone's perspective. Even Ray. I can't forget the dismayal that projected on his face when he caught up that fact that I like him and still proposed about staking my harboured feelings for the sake of his happiness.

Mayhaps, I am really an idiot at all. And he may be also an idiot. He just agreed on my imbecilic idea and it led me into perplexion since it was written on his face that it was the worst thing he'd ever heard in that day. Until now, I was still inquiring myself about it.

My pessimistic, stupid thoughts vanished on my mind when the gentle whips of the wind permeated through my skin and the coldness scattered in my body. Arms crossed, both of my hands stroked repeatedly on that mentioned limb to gain entailed warthm. 'Is the temperature dropping?' I muttered. A scarf was already settled around my neck and the muffs were already on their designated places. Yet, the chill still dominated on my warm body.

It's been three weeks since we were pretending to be a couple and I would say that my sacrifice is paid-off. Just a little bit. I do not know if Ray discerned the changes of Emma's response in regards on our unexpected link. However, when my eyes accidentally locked on hers, which was already looking at us beforehand, the glint of her eyes are apparently conveying something. As though, she was still in state of confusion in the series of events that played throughout the day.

I said paid off because we're getting answers for our main agenda and we could reach the strong conclusion without a hitch. Although, there was still the part of me who wanted to continue in fighting these feelings for him since it's one of my conditions when we failed to know about Emma's unspoken feelings.

Love can be selfish. However, how could I act egotistical with this budded tulips on my heart if I already lost in the battle without stepping my feet in the battleground? In fact, I would rather chose his happiness with another person than to stay in my shore but the regret swam to his eyes while watching our sunset.

Just thinking about this, I feel like my tear ducts wished to function due to the tonnage of heart-wrenching thoughts to myself.

Heaving a deep sigh, the trace of my breath was visible due to the frigid morning and said, "It's your decision to give up. It's your decision to be an idiot. It's your choice to end up like a linking bridge for Ray's happiness. Do not cry, Anna." Then, it followed with a chuckle. "Why am I thinking this in this hour?"

As the pathway swerved to the adjacent block, the familiar school trio was standing out among the crowd and within that trio, there was someone that caught my attention. 'Ah, they looked lovely. So lovely. My heart can snapped into dust.'


A/N: Should I discontinue this story? It's sort of boring as the chapter goes by.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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