Episode 4

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The Chosen One

Max: OK guys that's enough training for today

Abiola: that your right am late for dinner

John: that bye guys

Funto: bye bros, I mean sis, I mean niggas, I mean....

Max: bye guys

Funto: um max I need to talk to you about something

Max: OK am listening

Funto: the watch you gave me you said "Ten suits are available for now" what  do you mean by that

Max: OK look when I saw your results when you were training your abilities and powers keep raising up and the results say that you have an ultimate power inside of you to this right now I say you're the Chosen to have this power funto

Funto: I can't be the chosen one max it has to be john

Max: why?

Funto: you know he has the powers of superman

Max: having the powers of superman doesn't make him a chosen one bro

Funto: OK what about abiola

Max: nope it you just stop this man

Funto: OK fine. I am the chosen one

Max: Good

Funto: so what will I do to know if I am the chosen one

Max: I don't know really. You want to go to bed

Funto: you go ahead I got to think about this

Max: I understand but remember  the whole world is counting on you

Funto: you never told me this!!!

Max: Ha

Funto: this isn't  funny Max

Max: come on I was just kidding man but seriously you're the last line of defense in Jump city

Funto: Arr come on am going to bed

Saturday morning
Beep Beep Beep

Funto: uh-huh 5 more minutes

Beep Beep Beep

Funto: OK fine am getting up

Funto takes a shower and gets ready for the day

Funto: (and for those who don't what a G.O.A.T is it means the greatest of all time and I consider myself something something hear we go)

Funto: mum where are you (where is she)

Funto: Max Dad (where is everyone)

A man's voice: where is the money Mrs

Dad: please

Max: just leave us alone

Robber: we got ourselves a hero let's see if this hero can die

Max was shot

Dad: Max no

Robber: too bad your next
Dad was shot

Mum: please Go please

Robber: I don't like your attitude
Mum was shot

Funto: Mum

Robber: who's there

Robber 2: the cops are coming we got to go man

Robber: OK let's go

Funto cries heavily

Funto: (sobbing) Mum, Max, Daaad

Funto: nooooooo!!!

Police man: freeze what the oh no


Policeman: son we are sorry about this it's best you live them and let the meds help them

Funto: OK officer

The next day at the funeral

Priest: we are gathered here today for the individuals we see here Maxwell Norman, Thomas Norman and Grace Norman who were murdered yesterday... *pause* OK this to painful moving on

Priest: may their soul rest in peace

The funeral is over

Abiola: are you okay funto?

John: that dude are you good?

Funto:(sobbing) yh I'll be fine

Abiola: where are you going to stay now

Funto: I don't know

John: He can crash in my house for a few days

Abiola: I'll come over for a sleepover but that will be later cause my mum wants funto to come over Today

John: OK he will come tomorrow then

Abiola: yh, funto are you coming my mum's waiting for you

Funto: OK let's go am getting to emotional right now

Abiola: come on funto

Funto: OK let's go

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