Episode 7

10 1 6

Aunt may knows the real Identity of Spider-Man
*pause* after the death of my parents I started leaving with aunt may and John got a job from aunt may as a assistant

Aunt May: right over here

Aunt May: until John gets back,the best thing we can do is keep everyone fed...

Aunt May: oh Funto! It is so good to see you

Aunt May: how are you-healthy?

Funto: I'm good, how are you holding up,May?

Aunt May: good, but busy-

Aunt May: oh! Let me g-(coughs heavily)

Funto: whoa there

Aunt May:(cough heavily) I'm okay

Funto: didn't you tell me something once about accepting that I'm human, just like everyone else?

Aunt May: you and Max

Aunt May: masters at turning my own words against me

Aunt May: I'm fine, Funto

Aunt May: just a little run down

Funto: where's John?

Funto: could he help out?

Aunt May: oh he is!

Aunt May: he's off picking up medical supplies from the relief centre

Aunt May: it's amazing how quickly we go through antibiotics

Funto: ok

Funto: you stay off your feet for a bit;

Funto: I'll organise the unloading and check in with John-deal?

Aunt May: Deal

Aunt May: Give me a chance to nurse my wounded Norman pride

Funto calls John

Funto: come on John answer

Funto: don't make me worry about you and may

Funto was called on a mission but got injured really bad so an ambulance took him to John's work place

Dr Michaels: I need to speak with your head doctor

John: uh, there's no doctors here

Dr Michaels: who's running this place?

John: me, mostly

Dr Michaels: okay. Well, it's been a while, but I'll do my best

Dr Michaels: I'll need masks, gloves, whatever you have that's sterile

John: alright

Spider-Man: Thank... You...

Silver sable: you can thank me by not dying

Abiola walks in

Abiola: oh my God...

Time passed

Dr Michaels: he'll live. But he needs rest

Spider-Man gets off the bed

Abiola: hey...

Abiola: take it easy!

Spider-Man: where's may?

Abiola takes Spider-Man to may
Aunt May is in an hospital bed

Abiola: they say she could go at any moment

Abiola: where are you going?

Spider-Man: I need to find Jeff... He has the antiserum.

Spiderman: I don't know if I can beat him...

Abiola: maybe you can't

Abiola: maybe Spiderman needs a little help from his friend Funto

Spiderman: what...?

Abiola: Funto helped build those arms, remember?

Abiola: if anyone can find a weakness, it's him

Abiola: go get'em, tiger

Back at John's office

John: alright...

John: no that's not it

John: maybe it's this one

Meanwhile back at Aunt May she is in a hospital bed

Dr Michaels: it's still viable--but we'll need the entire sample as a base to produce more doses

Spiderman: how long will that take?

Dr Michaels: few hours---

Dr Michaels: maybe a day

Spiderman: what if we use it to cure some one right now?

Dr Michaels: then there won't be enough to cure the others

Dr Michaels: I'll give you a few minutes

Spider-Man: you're going to be okay, ma'am

Aunt May: take off your mask

Aunt May: I want to see my nephew

Spiderman takes off his mask

Funto:(sobbing) you knew?

Aunt May: I've known for a while

Funto: I never wanted you to worry--

Aunt May: I did

Aunt May: and I am so proud of you

Aunt May: and your parents especially max would be too

Aunt May: all the people you've saved--

Spider-Man:(sobbing) I don't know what to do...

Aunt May: yes you do

Aunt May :(coughs heavily)

She's gone

Spider-Man: Aunt May!

Spider-Man:(sobbing) No!

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